My first 8 pounder


Jun 18, 2011
I ran out of IMR 4350 last night with 5 primed cases still in the block. This is my most used powder and I've gone through approximately 2 1/2 pounds this year so far. I figured now was as good as time as any to start buying in bulk. It's not easy handing over that much money for a can of powder, but it will last me a while and it will save me $4 per pound in the long run.

I've been going through quite a bit of RL-22 lately as well and was considering a 5 pound can but things are a little tight right now and the savings is only $2 per pound.

I probably shoot more rounds using Varget than anything, but with a 25.5 grain charge, a pound lasts for a reasonable amount of time.

So, how many buy their powder in bulk?
if you do a lot of loading i think it makes more sense, for me i buy 1lb at a time it is just better for me to spend 20-30$ here and there when i need it. but i might have to change if i continue to play with the rum's. :grin:
Benchmark, Varget, and of course Retumbo. Thinking about getting 8 pounds of H4198 since I shoot alot of it through the 45-70. It didn't take long to use a pound of Longshot for the 10mm that surprised me.
I think if I can figure out a couple of good loads (.204, .223, and .358 Win.) I may start buying TAC in big jugs.
I certainly buy powder in 8 pound kegs when I need it for my high volume usage. It saves a good deal of money and you do not have to start over, checking to see how much difference a lot change made all the time.

I won't say how many 8 pounds kegs I have, I do not want the fire marshall showing up. But, it is surely the way to go.

I buy most of my 8 pounders from an outfit called Powder Valley. Good company, great customer service, good prices, etc. They have lots more stuff than powder, check them out.
I buy R22 in 5lb jugs, but the rest of the powders are one pound quantities. Running R22 in both my 25-06 & 30-06, and hopefully soon my 243 as well.

I order mine from Powder Valley as well.
Thanks for the tip on Powder Valley. I'd have to buy more than on 8 pounder to make up for the HazMat fee. How much is the shipping? I couldn't see a way to calculate it.
Powder Valley is a great place to buy stuff. They will be glad to calculate shipping for you.

In regard to the Haz Mat fee, I try to get a couple buddies to go in with me and we buy 4 eight pound kegs, that spreads the fee and shipping around a little. I think four kegs are all that are allowed on one Haz Mat fee.

Even with the fees and shipping we usually come out cheaper than buying powder around here.
I but 8 ponders in H-1000, H-4350, Retumbo, Magpro, and Ramshot Magnum. I am going to start getting H-4831sc, in 8 pound jugs. I buy all I can, when I can. When I got time to reload, I do not have money to spend on components. I buy from Powder Valley too.
I shoot a lot of Seconds from Nosler. I buy them in bulk, when they have them. I stock up and work on loads when I'm home.
I haven't bought an 8 or 5lb of anything but really, I could buy RL15 and RL22 and be covered for alot of my cartridges. Same here with H4198 for the 45-70 and Probably RL19 for the 338 and 243. Heck, that is why it is so hard for me to narrow anything down most of the time. It would be smart to buy in that quantity, but I just haven't gotten smart yet! Scotty
H4350 and Varget in 8 pound jugs.

Unique too - but an 8 pounder of that lasts about forever, loading 6 grains at a time. :grin:

Other stuff doesn't get shot as much, so single pounds of other powders are generally sufficient.

Volume? You bet. I like to buy primers by 5,000 at least. Powder in 8 lb jugs and bullets in lots of 500 to 2500.

I use Powder Valley also. John over there is very helpful. For me 8lbs is the way to go with the prices over here. Twice a year a bunch of us will get a 100 lb. order together and order it from Powder Valley.
After years of buying 1 lb at a time I finally forked out the loot for a 5 lber of RL15 and an 8 lber of IMR4350 this past spring. I'm like you and don't often have that kind of money just lying around, but it does make good sense.

I've really been working at simplifying my powder selection lately. When working up loads for a new rifle, I always try to start with the powders that other rifles like already to avoid having to buy something completely new.

I must kinda kick myself... having done only a little work w/ 'em, I've fallen in love with the Ramshot line up, especially Hunter which is about as slow as RL19 but because it is spherical will load to higher densities and give significanly higher velocities in the cartridges I load it in (6mm-250, 30-06). Thinking that perhaps TAC (similar in speed to 4895) and Magnum (RL22) would round out all my needs as well as any three powders could, but haven't gotten around to giving up my beloved Alliant products yet :) .

Ramshot is significanly less expensive though... last I checked, I could get an 8 lber for like $120?
I should spring for a 8 lb canister of IMR 7828. I use about 2.5 pounds per year now and just added my .280 Remington to that usage. I buy it 2 lbs at a time anyway, it is just that I am too cheap to spend that much for powder at one time.