My first black bear

OnlyBrowning, congrats on an awesome bear. I was born and raised in Upstate New Your and have only seen a few bears in the wild. If I would have had a tag, and the season, I would have taken that bear. No questions. I have hunted in Idaho for a number of years and haven't seen many bigger bears than the one you harvested. They just don't get really big eating roots, berries and stuff like that. That should make an awesome trophy and a great memory. Good kill for that 325 WSM. Scotty
Colorado black bears average 150 lbs and a really big bear might get to 300. in Pennsylvania a 300 lber is a big bear and 500 plus is a trophy. Nothing to be ashamed of. Congrats on your bear!! Oh, how does it taste?

You are right. A 140 lb bear is still a fine trophy, and for a first bear in NY state, it is more than adequate.


Those 325s are a great calibre. The first shot can be a killing shot, but a bear is a tough critter. They can travel a surprising distance after they are dead.