My little mans first kill this year


Oct 8, 2006
A little doe. He's trying to catch up with his big sis, I told him he couldn't do it shooting Bambi and he told me he didn't shoot Bambie because Bambi is a boy, he's proud of it so that makes me proud too.
Hey, everybody has to start somewhere. Get used to seeing deer and get used to pulling the trigger under the adrenalin load.

Good for him, and he can only go up from here. And you know what, that venison will taste as sweet to him as sis's big buck. Congrats to him and you for having a hunting family.

Younger is indeed tastier! hence veal!

Seriousley congrats to your boy. Give us the particulars.
Up here in Montana, our A tag goes to the best buck we can find but after that we are fortunate to be able to purchase or be drawn for multiple whitetail or mule doe tags. The season ended yesterday and there are 5 deer in my garage. The only one with horns is my sons 4 by 4 mulie. The rest are headed for the freezer for table consumption. The buck has pretty big neck so I will have test his meat to see if it all needs to get mixed into sausage. Tell your boy you can't eat the horns. No shame in harvesting does when doing so is good for the populatoin.
Up here in Montana, our A tag goes to the best buck we can find but after that we are fortunate to be able to purchase or be drawn for multiple whitetail or mule doe tags. The season ended yesterday and there are 5 deer in my garage. The only one with horns is my sons 4 by 4 mulie. The rest are headed for the freezer for table consumption. The buck has pretty big neck so I will have test his meat to see if it all needs to get mixed into sausage. Tell your boy you can't eat the horns. No shame in harvesting does when doing so is good for the populatoin.
Well about 8:30 that morning 2 came out together about 160 -170 yards and he decided to take one then instead of waiting , so he picked one and put her in the crosshair and fired a shot hitting her low in the hind quarter, he shot again hitting her in the spine, I think he's pulling to the right as far off as his shots are, but anyway the 95 grain ballistic silvertip did its job, it was on 40 grains of IMR-4350, the deer did look a little bigger out there but like you said, it was indeed tasty.
POP":mydo3ma4 said:
Younger is indeed tastier! hence veal!

Seriousley congrats to your boy. Give us the particulars.
Congrats to your son!
I wish I had started big game hunting when I was that age-
Congrats to dad as well for having a hunting family

Congratulations to your son on his first kill. An exciting time for all of you.
Way to go dude!
