My New Bees! Pictures.

cloverleaf":jr4qt5kb said:
Fottis- is that a Redfield on the Fibermark? Hows it holding up? CL

Had a few...They hold up just fine. Leupold warranty on them
Tobey284":m1sy1gmw said:
Some great lookin rifles there, congrats! That 240 is gonna be a hoot! Aquired my first Weatherby rifle this year, a mark v ultra light in 240. The guy I got it from "threw in" a vx 3 with CDS, which was neat, but after a hundred or so rounds at the range and zapping a mule deer half way across Wyoming I put my favorite 3x9 on it and gave the cds rig to my brother, with a 95 grain Partition at 3378 that 240 Bee don't need no stinkin turrets:)
may have to change my handle to Tobey240, that little weatherby is changing my life...

That 240 is a screamer! Man, a 95PT at almost 3400.. Yeah, not too much call for dialing there!
Fotis, I realy like that 378 pal :) ..Although I have 2 Sako 85's, I forsee a Bee in my hive soon too 8) ..I'm starting to shop around, do I need it? nah, but I want one for sure 8)

Lou :mrgreen:
Rem Jim":yihmbm7l said:
Very NICE BUNCH of WBees there Fotis ! I just aquired my first WB Rifle ! :grin: RJ


Very, very nice RJ!..I like it pal 8)

The bees are a great rifle, their quality is next to none & they all seem to shoot :wink:.
I wonder if they are going to make a lefty or 2?

Feeding that bunch I bet is a lotta fun :mrgreen: even more fun I bet yanking on them triggers as that is 1 fine bunch a bees!! Man I thought I had it bad :shock: beautiful collection FOTIS ! You running any H1000 in those rifles?

Dan I am sure you can find a LH rig somewhere :mrgreen: Custom shop can build ya just about anything ya need In a LH rifle but I am sure you know the price increase which is way too much ! Lotta LH rigs on the net :grin: