My new custom arrived today......

I was at the Naval base at Crete for over a year and had Ouzo once or twice or ??? :lol: Good stuff.

Stationed in Iraklion Air Station 4 years!
POP":1epcceot said:
Jack or OUZO with your Greek food?




Ah the joys of life in the great white north. VERY COOL rifle!!! Maybe Santa will bring you a trip to south texas for hog hunt or somthing?!?! Very nice rifle. Mybe I will have to see if the custom shop will will have santa "drop ship" one in 250 Savage!! Only way I could afford it...lets see was I naughty or nice..... Enjoy- and let us know how it shoots!! CL
Pop, if you have been to Souda Bay i know you have a few gooood stories. There was this one time with the Swedish Womens volleyball team, some Ouzo and a small detchment oF Jarheads. Wait a minute wrong forum :wink:
Nice rifle POP!!

I'll have to check out the Savage Custom Shop............I have to admit, I didn't know they even had one.

.........not keeping up I guess.

Nice rifle Pop, I'm sure it will shoot good for you. Been thinking about a Savage myself.
Thanx....If it was not 20 below with the dreaded wind chill I would have shot it already. :evil:

Just reading this thread - did you end up doing a range report? And as everyone else has said, very nice looking rifle.

Hey, really nice pop. I had a 7mmSTW done buy them and it was a one holer with 130gr HPBT's. I hope it really shoots well and I believe it will by design being a Savage. :grin:
Thanx bullet. The 20 below temps are keeping me from the range so far.
POP":2vch4f10 said:
Thanx bullet. The 20 below temps are keeping me from the range so far.

Now that is a bum deal. I have been all hopped up about a new cartridge or rifle and wanted to shoot it real bad and got up the next morning to driving rain or wind gust past 35 and 40 mph and it was so disappointing. Let me know what you load and how it shoots and I will also try and remember to give you the loads I found to be under .278" and one load recorded a .009. Really looking forward to your results. Hope the weather clears up soon for you. :)
Pop I feel your pain on the brutal cold lately and not being able to shoot. Got down to -7 degrees last night here in Denver. Good time to load and play gunsmith on days like this. Suppose to be warm up to low 40s here this weekend. Hope you get to play with your new toy soon!
Hey Pop,

Have you shot your Savage Custom 300 RUM yet?

Nope between the 30 below (with wind chill last week) and the 40 + mph winds................................... :evil:

I will post the results when I do go.