My new Elk Thumper 340 Bee

Nice rifle and a great caliber. You won't have any trouble reaching the velocity so you have plenty of lee way for accuracy. Congrats 8)
That is really nice. Serious game-taking cartridge suitable for even the biggest game in North America too. I'd recommend you keep that one for a "rainy day" rifle when it might just be too doggone nasty to hunt with one of those wood-stocked beauties you've also got.

The .340 is a great cartridge, and that rifle is a serious hunting rifle. Look at the 250 Nosler Partition perhaps? A little lower velocity, but what a bullet!

Good choice Fotis, my favorite for elk is also the .340 Bee. It will push the 210 Nosler Partitions at at least 3100 in my 26 inch tube with IMR 7828 SSC and a 215 Mag primer. My rifle shoots the 225 Partitions better for some reason but only at about 40 fps less velocity than the 210 gr.
I just noticed this post and opened it to find a picture of a gun I used to own! It was a real shooter in both accuracy and speed, just kicked like a mule. My loads were 200 bt at 3200 with IMR4350 and the 225 Hornady Interlock at 3125 with IMR7828. The brass I used was made by running 8mm Rem mag brass through a 340 die, then trim. It kicked so hard that it broke the recoil lug area completely out of the fibermark stock and started floaters in my eyes! It now resides with a guy that put on a muzzle break that made it a pussy cat, I should have kept it and did the same. It showed me that for some reason a lot of manuals don't load it to it's potential, some showing the 338 win mag right with it! Maybe they just loaded them down so mortals could shoot more with more comfort?
marstewart":1jrscmmw said:
Old Man,
why not post some pic of your stuff, as i'm interested to see it.

Welcome to the forum. Tell us about yourself.
Nice rifle. Good luck with the load development. I have always been intrigued with the 338-378--a 225gr bullet at 3100-3200 fps would be a hoot