Neck sizing...what am I doing wrong?


May 15, 2009
Ok, I have the redding deluxe die set for my 338 lapua and it comes with a neck sizer. I followed the directions that came with the die set for setting it up. Never really neck sized anything before. Ran a piece of once fired brass through it and took some measurements and was left scratching my head....inside dimension of the case mouth is now .350"! I can't afford to be screwing up Lapua what the heck is going on? What am I missing???

Sometimes mistrakes happen. :shock: Redding is a very decent outfit and they stand behind their stuff. The first thing I would do is remove the expander plug and measure it. Could be somebody messed up and put one on for .35 caliber. Consider this, while I don't know how they do things there probably is a bin with the expander plugs and possibly a .350" plug got mixed in with the proper sized plugs for the .338 bullets. If so, a simple phone call to Reding will square that problem away very quickly. 8)
Paul B.
Thanks PJGunner. It measured .353" so I'm assuming that you are correct on the screw up....glad I didn't run a whole batch of brass through before checking! At $2.50 a piece for brass....screw ups get expensive quickly! :shock:
Just got off the phone with redding and they were awesome. Sending a new one out to me and gave me a tip I hadn't thought of....the decaping rod in the full length sizer is the correct size so I can just swap them out until I get the new one. Now I don't have to go through reloading withdrawal waiting for the new parts to arrive.... :wink:
Paul likely hit the nail on the head. Redding is a first rate company. The few times I've had to contact them, they were excellent to resolve issues.
You can probably save the one case as well by just FL sizing it but just enough to bump the shoulder back about .001". Glad to hear they're taking care of you.