Need advice-Ruger M77 hawkeye or Savage Model 11


Mar 10, 2010
I actual just picked up a limited run m77 hawkeye all weather in a 260 rem, just wanting to now your thoughts. I have been looking at the savage model 11's with the accustock and accutrigger. I keep hearing good and bad of the rugers. Do any of you have experience with either. Which is going to shoot the best, probably the Savage. I hearing the rugers are very finicky about free floating and glass bedding. Give me you thoughts please-Thanks
For me savage all the way. Legendary accuracy!
I have two Ruger Hawkeyes (.358 Win and 35 Whelen). The .358 is a delight that shoots "lights out." The 35 Whelen, not so much. In fact, I finally switched out the barrel on this rifle and recut the stock as all the checkering was terribly feathered. I do believe Savage will be a more consistent shooter out of the box.
I have owned 3 Ruger guns. A 6.5x55 and 30-06 both were dependable and grouped under 1 inch at 100 yards pretty easy. The 375 Ruger I still own is very accurate when I do my job. I did free float all 3 guns though. My current 260 Rem is a Savage 10 heavy barrel model and is very accurate with a bunch of loads, a 116 stainless 30-06 I used to have would also group well under 1" easily. My take is the Ruger is a very nice gun and can be very accurate, the Savage guns are well known the be excellent shooters, both can be good but for accuracy the Savage would have a bit of an edge.
I just picked up a Savage model 11 in .223 Remington , it is a shooter.It is going to make a nice yote & varmit killer.First groups are clustering 3 shots at 100yds. .249''.Lee
thanks for the replys guys, maybe when the hawkeye gets here maybe i should trade for the savage. I have kind of thought that way the whole time, just low balled a bid on the hawkeye and won, not thinking i was going to win, dang gunbroker got me again. I like the whole idea of the accustock and accutrigger. Keep the replies coming-thanks-I am probably asking too much of a factory gun wanting 1" moa out of the box with a couple different loads.
You could always try though. The Hawkeyes have been pretty good rifles.
I can't give you a comparison because I have no experience with the Ruger but I can tell you I'm very happy with my Savage 16 in .260 with the accutrigger and 2nd generation accustock. Good shooter, runs nice. One of my favorite rifles. Sub MOA, likes 140 gr. SSTs.
Thanks all, I have a savage on order, I may just roll it (the hawkeye) over and pick up the savage. WYcoyote, awesome to hear someone with a savage 260 rem . I have a bunch of 120 bts, 125 pt and 129 sst's. have you ever tried any of them. With the current climate I probably won't find any 140s and I am not sure I can afford any. What kind of velocity are you getting? What powder are you using? Thanks a million guys. This forum is full of the best people in the world-thanks
Bullets are fairly easy to find at most reloading stores. It is powder and primers that are so difficult.
Should I go shoot the new ruger 260 rem or just trade it for the savage waiting for me? Just keep thinking what if the ruger shoots well. What do you think?
I assume the Ruger is not NIB. See if the ruger shoots. If it does, you likely have 2 accurate rifles. It would also make a nice platform for a 6.5X284. My wife got a Savage 11 LH .308 for her first rifle and it shoots lights out. I've owned 2 savage boltguns, a 30-06 and a 17HMR and what they lacked in refinement they made up for in shooting.
Ruger knows how to make 6.5 barrels, both of mine are very accurate and required no fiddling.

I feel that a lot of people that bash the new rugers are like the people that still bash the ballistic tips. Its their loss.
I would shoot the Ruger and see how it does, like mentioned above they can be very accurate. If you don't like it you could still sell it, can't imagine a few rounds down the barrel would make it depreciate too much.
I agree with Gerry. Shoot both of the rifles and decide based on that comparison which one to keep.
Thanks guys, the ruger is brand new in the box, as well as the savage. If I go shoot the ruger should I give it a good barrel break in to see what it will Truly do? Or just run some good ammo and go for it. My only concern is putting a bunch of rounds down the barrel and loosing some of the value. I know this sounds dumb, but things are a little tight right now, I want top dollar for resale. Sounds stupid huh!
All my Rugers are accurate, my only Hawkeye is a .358 Win but I have several MKII77's. I floated the barrel as soon as I got it and found a couple of loads that run right at 1" for 3 shots prone off a bag.

I would love to find a .260 Hawkeye
Heath, I might be able to hook you up, just depends weather I want to keep it or not, keep in touch