Need Bushnell BDC dials...


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
For a Trophy scope. If you know where I can get them please PM ME

This is my setup

If I can find them I have a set . The stinking plastic screws broke off in mine so I can't use them because I have nothing to hold them in place. I'll look for them and get back to you.
Boy this is going to cost you big time :!: :lol: I have FOUR BRAND NEW still in the plastic baggie :mrgreen:
All right what is your price bud?
Rodger's one tough negotiator, ain't he?

(I happen to know he's a right good guy! Just foolin' with you, Rodger! The invite is always open if you get down this way.)
Dang! I been looking for ONE of those for years. Good thing I couldnt find 'em. I ended up buying a VX-I for my Ithica and putting the Bushell on my air rifle. I knew they had to be out there some where. Turns out TD had them all. :) Nice find, nice share. Thats hy I hang out here CL

I might be able to help you ......
Fotis old buddy the turrets are in the mail. USPS tracking number 9114901123086601406705 man is that a long number. You should have them on Monday.
truck driver":2shgo237 said:
Fotis old buddy the turrets are in the mail. USPS tracking number 9114901123086601406705 man is that a long number. You should have them on Monday.

Fotis have you checked your mail box lately :?: :roll: There should be a package in there when your mail is delivered today :!: :wink: :lol: :mrgreen: