need some imput/advise


Feb 16, 2013
I know this isn't probably the right sub forum to post this in , but i need some quick advise on it and I thought this would answer my question the fastest. I picked up a used Sako Model 85 in 338 Federal this past week. The gun was supposed to come with a zeiss conquest mc 3x9 scope on it. When it arrived it had a zeiss Diavari-c 3-9 x36 on it with a German #1 reticle. I called up where I got the gun at and said I wasn't very happy about receiving this gun with the scope that was pictured on it. They said They would get back with me on Monday and they would make it right. I did some research and I am now wondering if this isn't a better scope? Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks.
Keep the Diavari. I still have two of those same scopes (have had at least five over the years). They are far superior to the Conquest (of which I still have one and have owned at least six), and the value on the Diavari means they are still worth more than the Conquests. If you don't want it, I'll gladly arrange to trade you a Conquest for it. I'm sure I could work it out some way.
I guess my concern is why they would switch out a lesser quality scope for a better one. I am thinking that they didn't know or something? I really wanted to shoot this gun this weekend but it has done nothing but rain here in south central PA. I think the sun is supposed to come out tomorrow, but I am in my busy season at work and won't get a chance to shoot till next Friday at the earliest. The company that sold me the gun is supposed to call me tomorrow with an explanation on the mix up, I am still not sure what to do. I was really upset with them on the phone over the whole deal. Now I feel like a jerk if i say I want to keep the "wrong" scope that they sent me.
The Diavari is a better scope... I've got a Conquest that I've use quite a lot and there's nothing wrong there either.

Pretty hard to lose either way.
Don't feel to bad. I think we all have let our mouth get out of hand once in a while and end up being embarrassed. Just explain it would be more of an inconvenience and you would just as soon let well enough alone and keep it the way it came.
Eat a little humble pie. Apologise and inform them that the extra expense just isn't worth it. Let them know that you are perfectly content to accept the package as is. As an aside, the Diavari has a solid lifetime warranty. I've sent two back for minor repairs with a good turn around--even from Canada. I really like that 3-9X36; still have one on my 257 Bob and another on my 350 Rem Mag.
I believe I am going to swallow my pride and keep this setup. I have to say I have never owned a Zeiss scope , but it does seem very nice. I am not crazy about the German #1 reticle, but I will just have to live with it. I guess I can always change it out if I find I don't like it. I will post some pictures when work slows down a little.
I was able to picked a Diavari up from a certain Doctor :mrgreen:, it quickly went on my 35 Whelen :wink:. I took off the Leica that was on it and have never thought of looking at any other again. They are definitely top shelf in my opinion (y).

I'd be happy with the package as you received it.

The Diavari is a superior product to the Conquest and will pair well with your 338 Federal.

A classic scope on a classy rifle.

Enjoy and have fun and adventure with your new rifle and scope!
Congratulations on a nice rifle and scope. It will serve you well in PA.

I got a chance to shoot the gun tonight. I talked to them on Monday and said if everything checks out I would be willing to keep the existing setup. I think its going to work. I didn't have time to do any reloading for it, so I picked up a couple boxes of Federal 200 grain fusion ammo. The first 3 shots where low then with a slight adjustment they centered up pretty well. I let my son shoot it second and he did ok also. Don't mind the German #1 either. It a lot different the a standard crosshair , but should work out fine once we get used to it. Don't mind the pictures in the one target, my son misunderstood me and shot at the target we were shooting our 204 at this past winter. My target
My sons target
Picture of the gun
I've owned that same scope as well and they are far better then the Conquest line being sold today IMO. The made in W. Germany should have been your first glue, and why Mike is willing to take it off your hands! lol

Looks like you made the right decision in keeping it.
Looks like you made the right decision in keeping it.[/quote]

Well, he made a serious mistake not letting me take it off his hands. :mrgreen: Excellent glass, to be sure. (y)