Need some wood work done?


Jun 3, 2007
I've got a stock I just pulled off of my .375 Ruger that I want reshaped. It has nice wood or else I'd probably just get a different stock for it. It has a wide oval forearm and is heavy, I'd just like to have it lightened up a bit and shaped to resemble a Winchester Safari Express stock. This will require some forearm work as well as opening up the grip.

So if you were looking for this kind of work to be done who would you use?
If it was my rifle, I think I'd give it a try myself.

Seems a little stock re-shaping shouldn't be too tough if a fellow didn't get in a hurry.

I've done some stock shaping myself, and I know when I'm not the right person for the job. I've played around on some cheap laminated stocks, and my results have be pretty mediocre to decent. I do realize that laminated wood is much tougher to work than regular hard wood but I still think this job would be better off with a professional. Plus I'll have it checkered.