NEW FOR 2006

I would be very interested in those. Good to have a variety of bullets to choose for this calibre.
My vote would be for a 110 AccuBond in the 6.5 for deer. Better B.C. than the 100 BT, better velocity/flatter shooting than the 120 BT, and better penetration than either BT. For critters larger than deer nothing less than the 125 part will do. A 130 AccuBond would probably do the job broadside, but if I'm shooting at the south end of a north bound elk I want the extra penetration offered by the Partition. Also, I think my pistol would have a hard time stabilizing anything much longer than the 125.

I used the 100gn BT this year on a 140 class whitetail that field dressed 125lbs (good size for central OK buck). Bullets chrono @ 2750 ft/s. Hit him behind the right shoulder @ 50yds. Bullet hit a rib and exploded. Ripped up the right lung, tore open the top half of his heart, and did some damage to the left lung, but did not touch the opposite chest wall. The buck ran about 10-15yds and fell over dead. Bullet did the job, but I think I need more penetration. If we don't get a light AccuBond, I probably load up a 100 part or work up an accurate 120 BT. Hopefully though, we'll get a light AccuBond.
The 110 sounds good to me too. I am in the process of selecting a 6.5 bullet for an antelope hunt. The BT has me worried due to it's history. I am looking at the 100 PT or the 129 SP.
I lay awake dreaming of a 115-120 AccuBond bullet for the 6.5. If I need a bullet that weighs 130 grains I will use the .270 Win

You make them I will buy them! :grin:
Most of my shooting is at the bench, and I've had excellent results with the Bal. Tips I've used in .224, .243, .264 and .308. I was wondering if Nosler would come out with a bullet to rival Sierra in .224. It looks like I'll know the answer to that shortly. Best wishes for continued success.

Cal - Montreal

I have just joined the ranks of 6.5 shooters with the addition of a 6.5 JDJ barrel for my contender. (Thanks Reloader28 ) :)

A 110-120 gr AB would be a nice addition for the 6.5 shooters.

