New Leupold VX3i


Mar 14, 2014
Not much info out there yet but it seems Leupold is coming out with a new VX3i scope. Claims are that it gathers more light and is brighter than the current VX3 line. Also they are incorporating some new features. And it is cheaper also because they are dropping some scopes from the lineup.
I googled it and got only a few hits and limited data. Seems Leupold doesn't want to talk about it at this time.
I'm interested for sure so I'll try to follow this.
I'm guessing that they will make an announcement Monday 1/18 at the Shot Show.

Natchezss does have some good prices on the Leupold VX-3's.
I'm sure we will be learning more about the VX-3i this week.

Thanks for the video. With all the good glass out there now a days and the changes, Leupold and the other top companies are going to have to stay on top with new ideas and competitive pricing.

jimbires":giy3kzif said:
introduction of the new VX3i might explain the sale on the VX3 ? some of these prices look pretty good .

Same kind of thing has happened before, when Leupold was about to make some significant changes in their model lineup.

Retailers would heavily discount older scopes - knowing that the new stuff was going to be on the way soon. Some great deals were available in the past for anyone willing to live with last year's model - like me.

Last year's model worked well last year. No doubt it will work just as well for many years to come.
Guy Miner":1f4p6pqf said:
jimbires":1f4p6pqf said:
introduction of the new VX3i might explain the sale on the VX3 ? some of these prices look pretty good .

Same kind of thing has happened before, when Leupold was about to make some significant changes in their model lineup.

Retailers would heavily discount older scopes - knowing that the new stuff was going to be on the way soon. Some great deals were available in the past for anyone willing to live with last year's model - like me.


Yup- That's when I bought my only new VX-II. still a Good deal. I wonder if its time to upgrade to a VX-3? :) CL
They really should have step up their game with a VX4 or VX5 with 4X or 5X. A 3x15 or 4x20 would be cool.