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DrMike":36w0lvqu said:

I made my children memorise "Texas, Our Texas" and sing it every morning before breakfast. We looked toward the Alamo and pledged our allegiance to the State of Texas before they could eat.

Well if I have kids I'll have to point 'em North and have 'em sing "O' Canada". That's a nice place up there and you have to love that Gibson's!!!
I live 300 meters from Canada (little Asia) and that is as far north as I go (300 meters from Canada) unless we can ever sell our property here, then I will live in Oregon, my favorite place, bar none. The Lower Peneinisula of BC is a rat race and by association, so are we! There are 3 million people of 40 different cultures, mostly city people from Hong Kong, India, or South Asia glutting I -5 every day with people who can't drive or obey the laws and my town only has 4,000 people. Very strange to live here! It is like having a swarm of killer bees infiltrate our little town only to save a little gas money, then go home at dark.

They buy us totally out locally of whole-fresh milk everyday in every store and gas station so the Sikh's can take a bath (they don't drink the stuff). They line up in our Post Office with one hour mines to save a few cents from their Socialist Postage costs. They keep our gas prices $.25/gal higher than the surrounding area so that we can get ripped off along with them. Plus they are rude, dirty and throw their trash all over our town, running over pedestrians (speeding) in crosswalks, ingnoring our laws, especially Handicapped Parking areas and generally showing comptempt for American institutions and laws. I for one, worked in India for several years and do not want to live like them!

However, what's not to like, according to some Socialists in our midst in this country? We have many Canadian friends but they are not the ones who throw their fast food, merchandise boxes, packaging and full urine bottles out of their car windows in Washington so that we have to pick this biohazard up!
For those who may be interested. Jack O Conner wrote in Handloaders Digest 8th edition copyright 1978, that he never used the new manufactored H-4831. He said that so far he had only used the original surplus 4831. He wrote that Hodgden said his new 4831 gave the same ballistics and used the same charges. Jack also wrote that he had heard from other handloaders the new H4831 was a bit hotter. When I look at Jack,s old loads listed in the above book and compare the results he got with todays H-4831 and my own results it appears to me there is no change. Jack passed the same year he wrote about the .270 in the 8th edition. I think he would have had a ball with todays selection of powders that work well in his favorite caliber,the 270. By the way, Jack also wrote in the same article that he used more nosler bullets in front of 62 grains of 4831 in WW cases than anything else.
Palouser":250cr7ua said:
"With the 130-grain bullets in the .270 I load 62 grains of No. 4831 for a velocity of about 3,140 in a 22-inch barrel." Jack O'Connor - The Hunting Rifle - .270, .280 and .284

I have read that 60 grains of H4831 with 130-grain bullets is the new standard, instead of 62 grains.

But what do I know? I'm read those .270 posts with skepticism, as I'm a .30-06 guy.