New Rifle - 375 H&H


May 7, 2015
One of the dumbest things I have done in the last couple years was sell my Ruger 77 Afican 375 Ruger...It was killing me not having a 375. So when Sportsman's ran this on sale, I had to have it...

Weatherby Vanguard DGR in 375H&H. Has B&C stock, NECG sights, and a very crisp trigger. Gun is 7 3/4 w/o scope. Overall a lot of rifle for the price - ESPECIALLY the sales price. This is weatherby range certified to shoot 3 shots under .99 at 100 yards.

Have on way a Leupold VX-R 2-7X33 for the rifle. Should be a great thumper and I am pretty sure that if it shoots as good as it looks, its going to Canada with me this fall to bring down my moose.

Going to play with Re15/re17 and Barnes TTSX 250 Grainers. Should be a hammer!


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Indeed, it should be a hammer. Classic cartridge, that's for certain. The Vanguard sure has a well-deserved reputation.
Nice gun, the 250 gr TTSX will deliver on moose for sure. I used the 260 gr AccuBond on bears when I had a 375 Ruger and it would be a top choice but guys who have used the 250 gr TTSX have been very pleased with them.
Don't overlook the 260 Partition either... partner totally numbed a couple of critters last year with them.
hodgeman":7q50vgxb said:
Don't overlook the 260 Partition either... partner totally numbed a couple of critters last year with them.

One of my friends uses it as well, you are right it is great too.
Congratulations the 375 Hurt & Hurt is time tested :wink:. I shot one for over 10 years in the days when I only owned 1 rifle. I loaded 235gr. Speers and used it for everything from Speed goats to Moose.
The Vangard is a great rifle!!
I am looking fotmrward to a couple of range reports with photos I hope (y) .

Very nice! I was astounded when I saw those Vanguard/Howa rifles in .375 in the Weatherby lineup. What a great rifle, at a very impressive price!

The only criticism I've heard of that Vanguard action concerns the bolt stop being a little weak, and people wondering about if it was up to the task of handling a bolt that might be operated very briskly by an adrenaline charged hunter... But I don't know if that's true or just somebody nit-picking.

Looks to me like you've got a very good medium bore, perfect for hunting the rugged & wet north!

Congrats! Guy
Looks like a beautiful rifle. Can't wait to hear how it shoots for you. Most of them think they are varmint rifles.
You can't beat the value of the vanguard they will shoot and they look good also.
Nice looking rifle.
Guy Miner":2ys15u4q said:
The only criticism I've heard of that Vanguard action concerns the bolt stop being a little weak, and people wondering about if it was up to the task of handling a bolt that might be operated very briskly by an adrenaline charged hunter... But I don't know if that's true or just somebody nit-picking.

I had read about that, and while I doubt its an issue, I may send this rifle to the smith to mill out a side stop - like on nosler rifles.

Got the 2-7 vxr today and got it mounted up. Looks like it just fits the rifle/caliber to a tee. It is setting in Low Leupold PWR rings on Warne Steel bases. According to specs this should weigh about 8.6-8.7 pounds as it sits.


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idahohunter8":co8zc0c3 said:
Guy Miner":co8zc0c3 said:
The only criticism I've heard of that Vanguard action concerns the bolt stop being a little weak, and people wondering about if it was up to the task of handling a bolt that might be operated very briskly by an adrenaline charged hunter... But I don't know if that's true or just somebody nit-picking.

I had read about that, and while I doubt its an issue, I may send this rifle to the smith to mill out a side stop - like on nosler rifles.

Got the 2-7 vxr today and got it mounted up. Looks like it just fits the rifle/caliber to a tee. It is setting in Low Leupold PWR rings on Warne Steel bases. According to specs this should weigh about 8.6-8.7 pounds as it sits.
I would not worry about that! I ran my Wby. Vanguard 7mm-08 in a PRS Event in 2014 and put over 200 rounds through it in two days, plus all the other times I've used it since owning it in the late '90's, and never had a failure of the bolt stop.
Nice looking rig! Kind of hard to go wrong with the classic 375 H&H.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
longrangehunter":yacl4v6e said:
idahohunter8":yacl4v6e said:
Guy Miner":yacl4v6e said:
The only criticism I've heard of that Vanguard action concerns the bolt stop being a little weak, and people wondering about if it was up to the task of handling a bolt that might be operated very briskly by an adrenaline charged hunter... But I don't know if that's true or just somebody nit-picking.

I had read about that, and while I doubt its an issue, I may send this rifle to the smith to mill out a side stop - like on nosler rifles.

Got the 2-7 vxr today and got it mounted up. Looks like it just fits the rifle/caliber to a tee. It is setting in Low Leupold PWR rings on Warne Steel bases. According to specs this should weigh about 8.6-8.7 pounds as it sits.
I would not worry about that! I ran my Wby. Vanguard 7mm-08 in a PRS Event in 2014 and put over 200 rounds through it in two days, plus all the other times I've used it since owning it in the late '90's, and never had a failure of the bolt stop.

Good to know. The stress of competition will give a rifle & rifleman a good workout!

Guy,kinda hard to compare a rifle used in competition to one used for Cape buffalo.

Different kind of stress. ;)
elkhunternm":37bdd8ak said:
Guy,kinda hard to compare a rifle used in competition to one used for Cape buffalo.

Different kind of stress. ;)

Ya, thought about that. But it's the bolt stop in question. I suspect the rifleman working his bolt hard in competition will work it just as hard, just as fast, and likely a lot more often than the fellow hunting buffalo.

Dunno. I've shot some competition, and it will reveal the weakness of a rifle. Haven't hunted buffalo, I imagine that could reveal the weakness of the rifleman in a hurry!

Guy,I have shot in competition (silhouette,big bore .30 cal and smaller and small bore .22LR) and there is stress,but it's not like you're going to get hurt if the target runs you over.

Honestly,weakness in any rifle should be found before using it in either hunting or competition.