New to Nosler Up Front....


Aug 3, 2012

I found this forum while looking for information concerning Cerrakote and barrel harmonics.

Anyway.... the photo above is of a feral sow I took with a Browning Micro-Medallion in 7mm-08. The load was 40 grains of IMR-4064 pushing a 150 grain Ballastic Tip.

The sow came up off a creek bottom head onto me at a fast trot, the cut left. This put the sow quartering to me from my left to right.

At approximately 75 yards, she cleared enough trees for a shot. Aimpoint was the tip of her nose. Bullet took her in the right shoulder, causing her to tumble head over tea kettle 3 times. She ended up on her left side, exposing her underside to me and squalling for all the world to hear.

Another round into her sternum and she became quiet.

She was estimated to weight approximately 260 pounds. Tasted right nice on the bbq also.
That is a great picture and an excellent account of a fine hunt. Congratulations. Good to have you posting here. Hope to see more as time passes. Welcome aboard.
Thanks for the Welcome Doc.....

I forgot to mention.....

I had been in the woods less then 15 minutes....

And this is Creek County Oklahoma.
Not far from where I grew up in southeast Kansas. I had family down in Tulsa and over in Spavinaw, and others in OKC for a brief period at the Naval Air Station. Man, feels almost like home.

Welcome to the forum, glad you found us here.
Congratulations on a dandy hog.

Mortis, welcome to the site :)
Great photo & account I look forward to many more.

Mortis, nice looking sow. Welcome to the forum. I worked at Douglas Aircraft in Tulsa for a year back in the 1960's.
Nice hog buddy!

Welcome to Nosler..

I am liking your quote. There might be a little truth to it? HA!
When hog huntin' years ago, we used to set-out old buckets with stuff that hogs really like'd.

Actually, very much like the bucket in your foto!

Good shootin', And welcome to the forum, LOL!
Thanks Gents.....

and now for the rest of the story......or at least the first part....

I was reconning our local WMA for hog signs when I was nearly ran over by my neighbor in town. Seems he had some land connected to the WMA down the road a ways. Oh...dirt road.... pretending to be wide enough for 2 vehicles. And I was on foot, just exiting the brush from a bit of sight seeing.

Anyway...he said he was having trouble with hogs raiding his deer feeders, and had not yet been able to get qa single hog in his sights.

Off I went following him in my Surburban to his property about 3 miles up the winding road.

He gave me a verbal lay of the land......his property is where the hog is hanging.... on a ridge at the edge of the WMA.

Off the ridge I went..... once I cleared a persimmon thicket, I was on the edge of Mosquito Creek flood plain which feeds into Heyburn Lake. This location is on the west and south side of the lake.

About 30 yards into the plain, I was introduced to Miss Piggie. From my position to her final resting place was approximately 75 yards.

I marked the sows position with trash washed onto the plain and a downed tree....and returned to the ridge. FYI..... you'd have problems taking an ATV into this area.

My neighbor was surprised I returned so quickly......and he had been joined by about a dozen folks by this time.......all enjoying rocky mountain refreshments.

he asked me if I had shot at something....cause he thought he had heard shooting.

Told him what had happened....he was slack-jawed with disbelief.... he claimed they had been hunting those hogs for a couple months without success..... I was thinking the success depends on how much they had been drinking.

Took the men down to the location....showed them the hog.... told them it was theirs if they wanted it.

At this point..... the Marx Brothers could not have provided such entertainment..... and I'll politely not tell that tale......
Thanks for your story we look forward to many more :)
And also lots of photos :wink:
