Night Force?



Anyone have a night force scope? I wanted to know how good they are. Mainly on a 338 or larger.
Very good scopes. Many longrange guys use them.
Canadian special forces use them on their .50 cals.
Worlds longest confirmed kill was made with a nightforce scope.
Yep, good stuff.
Have one on a 338 LM.
It is the ne plus ultra of optics-IF your wallet can afford one and you have a rifle good enough to warrant one, BUY IT.

It is superlative in all aspects.

Clarity, esp. low light is outstanding. They offer a wide variety of reticles for most situations you could encounter and many situations that I hope never to be in again.
It can take a pounding from the heaviest recoil-I don't think the 338 LM even fazes it in the least.Have read testimonials of guys in the sandbox who have 'em on 50 Barrets with nada problems and exceptional accuracy.
It puts my finest Leupold to shame but it comes at a price 2x that of my best Leupie.

Guess you can say I like mine.
