No Grouse This Morning

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Dog and I took the Marlin 39A on a walk this morning. Saw one grouse, didn't get a shot at it. Dog was hot after all sorts of scents, it was a hoot watching him hunt while I walked a long-abandoned road. It was a fine morning though not a shot was fired.




And found rather a lot of bear scat. Glad I had the 44 along.


A walk through the woods with a dog and a 39a. Sounds like the stuff memories are made of. Glad that you had the chance. CL
Guy it is so nice to see a fellow hunter that enjoys the hunt and doesn't worry about a harvest :wink:.
I just got back from a Elk hunt that I had to cut short :(.
In 4 days we saw 5 Moose, 7 Bears and at least 100 whitetail deer even a few Mulies but didn't get 1 crack at a Elk.
I my books still a great hunt (y).
The only I didn't do was take photos which is kinda dumb :roll:.

PS. As usual you always have fine photos.

Thanks, ya I enjoy hunting.

I'm fine with getting "skunked" - gosh when it comes to big game hunting I think I've put in an awful lot of days without taking game, yet I thoroughly enjoyed those days and the hunt.

Getting skunked while hunting upland game birds is also just fine. It happens.

Looks like a nice day. Walking with a dog enjoying the outdoors is good for the mind whether you got game that day or not.

It's really nice someone cut that log off the path and left a hanger on it for you to showcase that 39A. (y) :) Good pictures.