Non lead reloading

Greg Nolan

Nov 25, 2004
I'm going on a pig hunt in central california and "SOON" I'll have to load something non-lead for that area and eventually the whole state so I need to look beyond my beloved AccuBond "sniff sniff" and find a replacement. I've used tripple shocks but never shot an animal with one. I'm familiar with their failures. I would have more faith in the E-bullet but I havn't heard anything about how they work, unlike the good background we got about the AccuBond in Africa before they went on sale.
Has anybody experienced or heard about the E-bullet being used on game? Not even the magazines have said anything about them that I've read. I need some help! Nosler where are you?? :(
Greg, I'm sure the E-tip or TSX will do fine on hogs if your shooting a 30cal. I just hope nosler and others get on this no lead bullet in a big way and fast because if this spreads even to the north there is no choose in other cal's and remember a little lighter can be good to over come bullet length . So nosler get at her 6mm,6.5mm,7mm,30cal and on so there here before this dumb law gets to Canada.

pacer97............yes it is coming. Don't forget the .257, .338 and .375 cal. bullets .........heck we need a bunch. Introduction is rather slow, at this rate of one bullet per year I am afraid they will be scattering my ashes before I get E-tips in the other calibers I need. :wink:
Makwa, sorry for missing the 257 I was hopeing the 30cal and on covered the rest . I think you hit the nail on the head with the ashes statement if the Accubonds are the standard. So my 6.5mm 100gr. or 110gr dream just turned into 90 to 100gr. E-tip forget the accubonds. Just my thoughts.

Alan.......................yes with the E-tip I am hoping for something in the 110 grain size for the .257's and hopefully it won't be the next decade before they arrive.

Just got some 180's to try out.

Where do you live in AB?

Barnes TSX 100 gr @ 3340 fps from my .25-06 has done very well on two mulie bucks now. I suspect that an e-tip in the same weight would be at least as effective! :grin: Sure would like to find out...
Guy Miner...............I also have used the Barnes unleaded in my .25's with good results. I almost feel guilty though when using them.............I have a feeling of loyalty towards Nosler as the first bullets I ever loaded some 35 years ago were Partitions and I have been a big fan of their bullets ever since.

Barnes work well, but I am looking forward to less fouling as is reportedly the case with the E-tips. With the E-tips, Accubonds, BT's, NP's........check it will be one stop shopping. :wink:
Makwa; I'm about a 1/2 hour east of Olds in the Torrington area. Now I have to ask where your from and did you break any laws getting those 180 E-tips. My son is hoping to try the 150's in his 300 wsm when they get here unless you have a source you'd like to share.

Makwa - same here. I first loaded Noslers back in about 1974 or 1975, and they have been very good for me - but dang that little 100 gr TSX is a terror from my .25-06... I'd sure like to try an E-tip in the same weight! :grin:
Thanks everyone for the info. The E-tips sound good and I won't have any problem using them but I hope the other calibers come soon. All the ones mentioned plus some will be appreciated. ( Did I mention 350gr 416s?). I think Nosler's going to save the day but they'll have to be fast to outpace the Environmental Wackos.
Good Hunting
Elkhunt :grin: I didn't break any laws getting those E-tips. I can't help it if I have friends in the US. :wink:

Took a course at Olds College. I live in Manitoba now, but spent 10 years in AB and BC before that.

I'll let you know how they shoot in the New Year.

guy..............the 100 grain TSX shoot like a hot damn in mine too, but the 110 Accubonds are excellent as well. :grin:
Greg Nolan":1gp7c7ml said:
Thanks everyone for the info. The E-tips sound good and I won't have any problem using them but I hope the other calibers come soon. All the ones mentioned plus some will be appreciated. ( Did I mention 350gr 416s?). I think Nosler's going to save the day but they'll have to be fast to outpace the Environmental Wackos.
Good Hunting
Elkhunt :grin:

Greg good luck with your hog hunt 350gr. 416s if you need them my doc. will not let me play with them big toys sense my ticker overhaul he said my pacer and high recoil not a good mix so I shoot a 260 rem. and let my boys have the mags if dad can try them every so often if I go after elk.

Kelly I do need a friend in the US hint (POP) just can not see the problem with sending bullets across the border they don't go boom on there own.

Now to try sleep again. Thanks for your time Alan.
Alan, among other things I am a guide/outfitter and so I have hunters drive up here all the time and they can bring bullets with them. Might be able to get some brought up in the spring if you want...........then ship them to you in AB.

The .260 Rem. is a very good cartridge and I just can't believe more have not jumped on it. Lots of the long range types are using an improved version and passing on the 6.5-.284.

Kelly, Thanks for the bullet offer I'll put it on my thing to do and remember list. I have a few fends in the feed lot business go down south a lot have check into the does and don'ts on bringing some back I'm sure they have there pal. The 260 I enjoy every time I try a new load seem to like 100gr to 120gr ,130 so far and loves 100gr BTs a tuff little bullet.

All for tonight Alan.