Now that gets the pulse up.


May 19, 2007
I seen the biggest WT buck I've ever seen in a scope today.

My wife and I went out down a mess of oilfield and leased pasture land gravel roads behind our house. Most of the land back there is public access and there is the odd really big buck back in there.

SO, we went out and looked around until near dark and then took a shortcut out of there between a couple parcels of private land. Wouldn't you know it, out steps a deer near the road about a half a mile from the highway. It was nearly dark and there was barely enough light left to take a shot, plus the deer was on private land. Still, I figured I'd get a better look thro the scope as I didn't have any binoculars with me. As I was watching this doe, out steps a HUGE WT buck. He walks up onto an approach about 80 yds away and turns broadside. AS I look thro the scope I get a good solid look at the rack, spread around 22-24", tines 10-12" and the mainbeams wrapped around at least 4" past his nose.

My biggest buck to date is around 170 B&C and this one was a bit bigger, maybe a quite a bit bigger.

I had my 257 by out with me, there is no doubt in my mind that what I want to hit with that rifle is mine out to 300 yds. I've shot consistent sub MOA groups with it, taken a few game animals all with one shot and am very comfortable shooting it.

The crosshairs drifted over to behind his shoulder and set right on the crease behind his shoulder about center ribcage, the trigger slack went away and BLamMM, my consience wacked me on the nose.

Down boy, that ain't your deer or your land. You don't like poachers on your land, plus when you have a head like that on the wall it's nice to be able to tell your kids where it was taken. Not have to brush aside the question and feel sheepish.

So, I drove away, pluse still racing. My mouth was dry and I felt almost a tho I'd passed a once in a lifetime chance. Maybe sometime this year, fate will smile on me and I'll get another chance to take that fine trophy legally. Maybe not. My scouting was nonexistant and I haven't really got time to hunt. Who knows, it sure was fun to see that big guy.

And I know, I shouldn't have been in the position to have taken that trophy either(as in drawing down on it). It wasn't exactly kosher as I was leaving my hunting area.

If you didn't have permission to hunt there - good choice not taking him!

Maybe you could get permission to hunt that chunk of land?

Sounds like a dandy buck!
I'm of the mind it's better to have honor than a big buck on the wall that you've poached. From that point on, you're a poacher, not a hunter. Wise choice in the face of strong temptation.
Hey we believe you...seriiously we do. You have a story to tell and our respect for your ethics. Well done! CL
Hi there,
You did the right thing, and all of us respect your decision. Well Done!
When it's all done and said, one still has to get up and look at himself in the mirror every morning. Well done and excellent choice....

Have to feel for you though, been in the same predicament, those darned ole fence lines, and it always appears the game knows where to be... :grin:
Good Job! I think those big bucks can read and just like to tease us :wink:

Good decison. We have a guy work that, last year and this year, illegally shot a nice buck. Our local DNR almost got him last year when he used a rifle (and made a terrible shot) where the DNR had to dispatch the buck. They couldn't pinch him but did get the buck. This year he used a bow and shot it at night out of his upstairs window (another bad shot by his tracking story). Then brought the pic around bragging about it...until one of the guys grabbed it and said "evidence eh". He doesn't show it around work anymore. And has shown himself for what he is.

It is to bad that guys like that are around as it give the good hunters a bad name.
There are some individuals around here that are always breaking code and never get caught.
On the way home this past Saturday the CO stopped us and advised that he had driven over 150 miles and we were the 3 vehicle he had pulled over. He advised that the only reason he pulled us over was that he could see antlers over the box of the truck.
He advised that hunters are way down as he only checked 16 hunters on opening day.
He advised that he thinks it is a combination the land owners clearing bush and cost of gas in that particular area.
Where we hunt we saw a few more hunters opening day as it was a Sunday but after that there were not a lot of hunters around.
I really believe it is a cost thing as you can buy cut and wrapped beef for $2.00 a pound delivered.
If you work out my cost for deer it would be at least double that cost :)
