Obamacare is immoral

Our President and most of his Cabinet are fakes. A President who was supposedly President of the Law Review at Ha-a-arvard and never published a brief and the list goes on. I started working in the mines when I was 16 years old in Quebec and never asked anyone for anything, put myself through college and Graduate School, worked all of my adult life raising children and working. Guy I feel your anger, as do most people in this country for the bag of mostly hot air that we have gotten under the Lying King.

I live on the Canadian Border and see what Canada has done with open borders and building a soon to be majority, at least in British Columbia of Chinese and Indians who are here only to bilk the Canadian government for everything that they can get, without being citizens of Canada with any obligations.

We are the people who pay for all of this and get the least of it with Obama. More hard working Americans need to get engaged in the political process or it never will be cleaned up. Look at the damage that the Lying King has done to this country in 5 years! God help us all!
I don't think we will have to worry about ti because it's so screwed up they can't figure out how to make it work. They are already amending it so you can use what ever insurance you want.
Instead of amending it, they need to just can it. It isnt going to work. If you cant even afford to put food on the table, how are you supposed to afford insurance, let alone a ridiculous fine because you dont have insurance.

And, as Guy said:
Probably doesn't help that night after night I'm dealing with people who are leeches on society. Most of them don't work, but they get some kind of government handout. Then they drink, do drugs and prey on one another, or on others who actually have their life together. And I'm supposed to contribute some of my money to them? And I'm in trouble if I don't?

They really need to start drug testing those who get a government handout. They fail, done deal. No more handout.
I just want to hang on long enough to retire.
Then I'm moving away from society and it's "laws".
I am retired and am ill from working in third world rat hole countries for 20 years and getting TB+ lung cancer from this. There is nowhere I would rather be than here, with the Lying King or not. His days are numbered and I earned my citizenship with military service and taxes. I am not going anywhere!
Back in 2002, the Rainbow Coalition held its annual meeting on National Forest land near Jackson, MT. The Forest Service told the group that "no" they couldn't, because of damage from so large a group to the forest and sensitive subalpine environment, and that there were no facilities where they intended to hold their multi-day event. The FS tried to stop group members from entering the area, but government is powerless to stop thousands of people. The RC held their event when and where they wanted, despite the tons of trash and fields of land mines they left behind. No one was fined. No one was jailed.

Lesson learned: Laws and regulations require a compliant populace. A law or regulation cannot stand if enough of the populace ignore it.
The liberals/progressives/marxists/statists simply wanted two things: control and more money to spend. ACA is not about healthcare. They wanted another trillion dollars a year under their control so they decided to confiscate what we spend on healthcare, and will toss a few aspirin and bandages to the masses---as long as they are compliant and obedient little sheeple.

Massive civil disobedience is our DUTY.