Oh boy not again!!!


Dec 2, 2010
I just got a call on a Vortex Viper HS 4-16X44 for under $300 new. I can pick the one with the V-plex or BDC. What one would you get and for under $300 am I crazy if I don't get it????
Careful! Those deals have a way of multiplying rifles. A loose scope is a dangerous thing to leave lying around. Before you know it, you'll discover a rifle attaching itself to your loose scope. Consequently, a deal on bullets or brass is equally bad! Be careful; be very careful. :mrgreen:
If you don't want it, I'll buy a BDC from you for what you have into it! (Assuming it's the LR version.) I've been wanting to get my grubby paws on one for a while...
I don't have it, I buy the V-plex or the BDC. What would you get? It is not the LR version.
I got the V-Plex...exact same scope...the reticle is really thin (REALLY thin) the first time you look through it...but it grows on you, or at least it did me...I like it much better than any plex reticle I've ever owned.

I do a good bit of field scanning with the scope (too lazy to lug around a spotting scope), thats one reason I like the thin reticle.

I don't have any trouble seeing it in low light...and I never cared for BDC reticles...either dial the scope or hold over has always worked for me.

Check out the 3rd post down the page on the link below...
Thanks for the info Ridgerunner665. I have to make up my mind by tomorrow night. I was hoping to save up a little bit but I have had two great deals fall into my lap in less than 4 days.
I was hoping to save up a little bit but I have had two great deals fall into my lap in less than 4 days.

I can imagine worse problems to have. :grin:
Again, thanks for the help guys. I don't know where I would be without this site. (I would have more money that is for sure)
Don't worry about what could have been; focus on what is. We've got your back.
Good for you WT you won't be sorry 8) by the way what is your wife's name :mrgreen:

Personally, I would buy one of these scopes for that price if ever offered. If the guy is serious, I will buy the scope from him.