Ok, the bug bit... .280 Dubiel?


May 18, 2011
Yep, I was never interested in a wildcat. Nope, not me. Who needs that headache, right?

That's when I reread some Elmer Keith and somehow the 280 Dubiel Magnum sank it's teeth into me.

From what I've read, the 280DM is a resized 300H&H case, necked to "7mm". Rifles were cut with a groove diameter of 0.2885" and at the time, bullets were made to accommodate that.

For current day bullet selections, I would think a custom would be best made with a bullet/groove diameter of 0.284" to leverage existing bullets in the 7mm realm. Basically a 7mm-300H&H.

And now I want one. I'm nuts, I know.

Long shot (no pun intended), but anyone ever had any exposure to a 280 Dubiel?
Jarrett builds a 284 Jarrett that is based off a 300 Win Mag with the shoulders at 35 degrees that might be similar if you're looking for ballistics?
Other than that, haven't heard of the Dubiel (sp?) before but sounds kind of cool. I can understand wanting one also.
Dwh, interesting info for sure, but it's more a mix of curiosity and performance that trips my trigger on this one. That and I have a 300H&H and think it's pretty darn cool. The 280 Dubiel would be cool, too. :)

DrMike, I agree....just interesting rifle. Haven't even gotten to what action/barrel/etc, just purely looking at the round itself for now.
Very awesome. I think it would be an excellent 7. It would feed really slick, have enough case space to really run 160-175 bullets. Yeah, I can't see any real down side to this. Quick trip threw a Dubiel sizer with the H&H brass and your ready to load.

What rifle are you thinking of building up?

Sounds pretty cool. If you blow out the case and shoulder, you would have a 7 STW.

I remember the Dubiel's 7mm Mag but have only seen a couple in gun shows during my career. They had a good reputation and a long range killer in their day.