old powder?


Jan 20, 2011
While going through my grandpa's reloading stuff today I found two unopened containers of powder. I lookled on the internet and I guess they aren't made anymore. Can anyone tell me what they might be used for

First is IMR 4227
Second is Hodgdon H870

H870 is an exceptionally good powder for the 7mm Rem mag. It was discontinued several years ago.

I used it with 175 gr Noslers and Sierras in my 7mm mag. Very slow burning. Sooty, but accurate in my rifle. I was able to safely run the 175's at roughly 2900 fps from a 24" factory Remington barrel. Made a dandy elk load!
IMR 4227 is a slow handgun powder and is excellent for the 44 mag
H870 is a very slow rifle powder for overbores and heavy bullets.
The 870 is an old really slow burning ball powder (similar burn rate to Retumbo). I never used any, but had a couple friends that used it for their 300 Win mags.

Many old-timers loved 4227 for the .22 Hornet. It is also used by some of the guys shooting heavy bullets in the .45 Colt.
ScreaminEagle":a46bipj1 said:
While going through my grandpa's reloading stuff today I found two unopened containers of powder. I lookled on the internet and I guess they aren't made anymore. Can anyone tell me what they might be used for

First is IMR 4227
Second is Hodgdon H870


SE- I love H870 in the 7mm Rem Mag with 160's and 175's. Up until I discovered RL22 a few years ago, I took in as much H870 as I could find. It makes the 7RM scream! I used H870, 140gr PT's and CCI250's in my first handload for the 7RM. Shot a gaggle of deer, woodchucks, coyotes and god knows how many crows! Then I used the Barnes 160gr bullet back in 1995 to kill a moose/caribou and some deer. It also performed well with H870. It is supposed to be awesome in the 264WM too.

I still have a few lbs of 870 for my M70. I am using either 79-80gr's of it behind an 160gr AB. It shoots too well. It is fast too. I would still be using it if I could find more. I have generally shifted to RL22, but haven't found more speed or accuracy than H870 gave me.

I think IMR4227 is still around. Pretty good 44RM powder I thought. No real experience with it. Scotty
I still have about three pounds of H870. It is powerful medicine with a 175 grain PT in a 7mm WM. It was a very slow surplus powder that was great with overbore cartridges. I won't say how cheaply Bruce Hodgdon used to sell the stuff.
DrMike":2999m7ua said:
I still have about three pounds of H870. It is powerful medicine with a 175 grain PT in a 7mm WM. It was a very slow surplus powder that was great with overbore cartridges. I won't say how cheaply Bruce Hodgdon used to sell the stuff.

I think my lbs I have left were 11.25 a Lb. I thought I got a deal. Can't imagine what it used to be! Scotty
I used a lot of H870, and still would. However, since it is no longer available, I remain focused on the 7 RM with what I have left. I found three pounds of A8700 this past year. That is another powder that is no longer available. Then, there is the WMR and the WXR, both of which served me well, and the few pounds I have left will continue to serve me in a variety of cartridges.
257 Ackley":3o4szl8m said:
I used to buy H450 for $4.95 a lb :shock: . Man would I like to find some of that still.

Man, that must have been right after the BIG WAR!!! Holy smokes, I was born way too late! Scotty
H450 had some definite uses. Whilst I enjoy the newer powders, there are some of the older surplus powders that gave a hand loader some definite advantages. And the price of many of those powders didn't break the bank.
Hey guys, sorry it took me so long to respond. Thanks for the info. I'm gonna try the IMR 4227 in my 44 mag, but I think I will leave the H870 in its unopened packaging.
SE, not sure how much you have, but it would work well in your 300WBY also. It might not be worth developing a load only to run out of your supply though. Scotty
HaHaHa with the amount of powder that thing eats up, the pound that I have would be good for about 20 shots!
I think we used to buy surplus 4831 (after the big war) for a couple of dollars a pound, 8 lb kegs were under $20 dollars. Primers were a penny a piece and pulled military bullets could be had for next to nothing. You could pickup 06 cases at the range for nothing.
"Prices have gone up some". I have some newer 4831 marked at $11.95 (on sale) per 1lb can.
Elkman":dou9e1h0 said:
I have some newer 4831 marked at $11.95 (on sale) per 1lb can.

I am not surprised by this at all Bill! I think your bullet/powder inventory would make most of us a little envious! Scotty
I still have 2 pounds of H870 marked $5.49 each (Bi-Mart stickers). I used 78 grains with 175 Grand Slams in a 7 mm RM, very accurate!
I used to really like BiMart, but it seems as if the selection has really slipped. I remember a lot better selection of rifles, shotguns and components than there is now.

Of course, that doesn't stop me from hitting every one when I head to Eastern Oregon or Washington, or I drive through an Ag town in the Willamette Valley.