Is there a company that can enlarge the neck on a full length sizing die I already have instead of me buying a new bushing style die?
Or a place that can convert my standard die to a bushing style die?
wouldn’t it be easier tojust sell your current die and buy a bushing die instead? Or can also get a blank die and have it cut with your reamer for a custom fit, its my understanding that your dies are heat treated, and any changes you would want to do to them would be very diffucult requireing a carbide cutter and then having the dies reheat treated. thats why custom dies that are made with your reamer have to then be sent back out to be heat treated. You can get a set of new bushing style dies depending on caliber for less than $200 pretty easily, I dont see converting an old die as worth the trouble.
Hornady and forestor will do it to their dies for a reasonable charge. But, you should contact them to be sure custom honing isn't on hold during these busy times.
A lee collect die and redding body die make a very hard to beat combo too.