opinions on new beam relaoding scale ?


Jan 12, 2012
Ohaus makes most of them I suspect. then new paint job....lol. that's aside, which one would you buy and why? thanks
I have an older RCBS 10-10 that I have used for 30yrs. I understand that Ohaus doesn't make them for RCBS now but I guess you could get one and have it tuned up and calibrated.
Check out Old Will Knott Scales web page. He's got some very good prices on triple beam scales.($75.00)
I have a RCBS 5-0-5 on my bench. It has been there for at least 30 years and has always given me good service. The pivot and the V-block do get grimy at times and require a little attention but I have no need for another. A very good product from my viewpoint.
if I were looking to buy a beam scale , I'd contact Scott Parker . I was going to send my 10-10 scale to him before I bought my digital scale . he will tune up your old scale or he will sell you one he has worked on . they clain after he is done with a scale it will show single grain of powder . I think I have his email address , I'll post it if I do .
I've got one of these and love it. It will measure to .01 grains and will sense every kernel of stick powder. I used it to double check my technique on my RCBS 10 10 scale and found I was throwing to + / - .04 grains. This is a factory untuned 10:10 scale and that kind of accuracy equates to plus or minus 2 fps in a 3006. Plenty good for most people I think. But since the electric scale lets me trickle quite easily I pretty much have the 1010 parked and collecting dust.


Yep I'm sure its made in China which is a turnoff for some people but I'd buy it again here's a review of that won me over into trying it.....

http://benchrest.com/showthread.php?925 ... r-practice
Elkman":gkg097bj said:
I have a RCBS 5-0-5 on my bench. It has been there for at least 30 years and has always given me good service. The pivot and the V-block do get grimy at times and require a little attention but I have no need for another. A very good product from my viewpoint.

About the same for me. I've been using the 5-0-5 for 25yrs and it has served me well. I do take it apart and clean it from time to time. If it stopped working today I'd probably buy another one just like it.
I had a RCBS scale until one of the step kids broke it. It was a good one.
Then I bought a Dillon one and it has been good also. I almost always use one of the two electronic ones I have now.
There is not a electronic scale I can aford that I trust. The tranducer blank machined and heat treated alone would be over $1,000. That is why laboritory electronic scales cost a few thousend or more. I have seen the insides of a few electronic scales. A single bridge, super glued, and crewdley machine aluminum blank. No temperature compensation.

Some day I will up grade to a 10-10 from the mid grade 5-0-5. Or a lab grade beam scale?
Elkman":2glj75y4 said:
I have a RCBS 5-0-5 on my bench. It has been there for at least 30 years and has always given me good service. The pivot and the V-block do get grimy at times and require a little attention but I have no need for another. A very good product from my viewpoint.

Same with me. Been using my 5-0-5 since 1982. Darn thing just plain works. I do use a 55 grain weight standard to cross check the accuracy. Very good product in my view as well.
I use my Redding beam scale and I'm quite pleased with it.

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I'll give I bet that as long as your balance beam scales are moving freely you are loading to plus or minus 3-4 fps in a mid size case. Unless you're shooting over 700 yards its all you need!
kraky1":lrcuqjd3 said:
I'll give I bet that as long as your balance beam scales are moving freely you are loading to plus or minus 3-4 fps in a mid size case. Unless you're shooting over 700 yards its all you need!

A couple summers back I chrony checked three 130 PT,s loaded with 57 grains of IMR-4831. The chrony read 3008,3009 and 3010. Yea that's good enough for normal hunting in my opinion. That load is always under moa too. (y) :grin: :wink:
I still use an Ohaus 10-10 beam scale from 1975. The beige paint has a couple scratches but it works well.
