Opps, I did it again


May 12, 2006
Well, my Dad came out to the house the other day and started talking about this guy he met in town. Just moved here from off, he had an old truck Dad wanted to trade on. The conversation turned to guns and what do you know, he has guns he wants rid of. I figure what the crap at least I'll get to meet a nice guy.

The most amazing collection I have ever personally seen. Custom rifles, lots of presentation grade rifles, on and on.

About 30 rifles into this display out comes a 1st generation Remington 700 Ti in 30/06 with a Brown Precision stock. Drool....slobbber..........sweatty hands....think clearly Heath!

You like that one huh?

Yeah, this one's ok, it sure is light, what is it? :)

Long story short I had to pawn off a couple to pay for it but I paid for it and I am now the proud owner. It was sitting on a food scale when I walked in the house to get it, 5lbs 4 oz!

Now for some Talleys.

Nice find, congratulations. Post a picture for us to see.

Dy-no-mite! You done good, Heath! Congratulations. A great score.
Heath that's terrific, and I don't care what anyone says around here but the 30-06 is one of THE BEST to ever come down the road. Sure there are faster and bigger, but for any and everything, it's hard to beat! Pictures, must see pictures! :grin:
Heath - congrats...that is a find! Not very many rifles from any of the big manufacturers have the cool factor and hopefully accuracy of that rifle.
Nice! I'd love to stumble upon a 1st gen. Ti. Wouldn't even really care what it was, although an '06 would be about third on the list, after a .280 and a 7-08.
Heath are you going to show us pictures or do we have to keep imagining what it looks like!!!! Scotty
Just re-read my previous post and realized I kinda sounded like a tool. I'd be thrilled to death by an '06 Ti. It sure would make a lot of my other rifles superfluous.
BK, not a problem and I did not take it bad. I would not have turned down a 7/08 or .280 either. I needed another 30/06 though, the other 2 were getting lonely. I am no longer in the 300wsm buisness, it and my Savage 10 .260 were sacrificed for the Ti. A 30/06 will do everything I will ever need from a cartridge.

I was going to mount my VXII 2-7 but I would have to rob it from another rifle and I had this 3-9 Redfield laying on the shelf. While it looks great, balances great and comes right up to the eye I think a 2.5-8 VX3 is on the horizon in either a DNZ or Talleys.

As it sits, 6lbs 5oz empty.




Nice idea on the scope. I now have two 2.5-8 Leupys, a VX3 with duplex and M1 elevation turrets, and a VX III heavy duplex. They might be destined for my Whelen and M70 EW .300 WSM.
Very pretty rifle! Now get it in that ONE SHOT & DONE - 1ST SHOT thing we got going and show us all what it will do!! :lol:

The VX-3 2.5-8x36mm is perfect for this rifle. Loaded with the 165 gr AB at 2800-2900 fps will make this an ideal all around rifle for NA.

Heath, you done good. Many a man has made wiser decisions about not getting a rifle they don't need. And lived to regret it. :x What an awsome rifle. Congrats!
Thanks guys, I'm pleased with it so far. I hope to shoot it this weekend.

I am torn between getting a Leupold STD extended front base or a DNZ extra low mount. I threw some 2 piece Leupold STD bases in low rings on there and it fits absolutely perfect as far as bolt clearance, any lower and it won't work I just need a little more room to slide the scope back.

I am just not sure that saving 2oz of weight with the DNZ is worth messing with. I have looked at Talleys and it seems the lows are taller than mediums and the extra lows a lot of times won't allow the power ring to turn or bolt clerance. Looks like the Leupold 2 piece will weight 5-6oz and the DNZ will be 3-4oz.
