Oregon Elk


Apr 4, 2010
I picked up a nice spike on Saturday the opening day of Oregons second season spike hunt. Shot was between 525 and 550 depending upon whether or not you believe the GPS or the range finder. I am leaning toward the GPS as I over shot him withe the first round and held low behind the shoulder on the second. I had cranked in 25 clicks of elevation for the shot. Hit him high about 12" back from the shoulder and exited in the front third, of the off ham. (Read lost steaks). I saw him flinch at the shot. He was apparently quartering more toward me than I thought. When I arrived where he was standing at the shot, I found a live elk running down towards the valley bottom. ( I was looking for a dead elk) He headed down another 6 or 700 feet lower than I already was. I waited 4 hours after I jumped him and found him by zig, zagging down the hill in a 400 yard wide grid pattern. He was laying dead upside down. No tracks, no blood just plan old hard, careful thought and work in locating him. Pack up was 600 ft of elevation in the first 400 yards then level the next 200 yards to the truck. Packed him out in three trips the next day. For some reason after posting numerous photos, I can not post now. I will try to get pictures posted again tomorrow.
Congratualations Bill, on shooting your spike elk! Did you shoot him with the .300 WM or the 7mm STW?
Congratulations, Bill. That was some work for you. Great job, though.
Great job Bill, sounds like you worked extremely hard for your trophy. I know that you are going to enjoy some fine eating this winter. :)

The Win Mag, the STW is at the doctors awaiting a new barrel.
Congratulations on the elk! Should be great eating. Lots of work follows sometimes when they are down. Great job on the recovery too!
Nice work! When you pack your elk out, do you bone them or just quarter them?

My brother and I helped a buddy pack out a skipe from the Mt. Emily unit last week. I sure love it up there. We got do do a bit of glassing and found a few other nice elk around also.
Great work Bill. I knew you were going to capitalize on them. Tough country but you really put the hammer on them!
Thank you all for your comments.
Scotty, you never know, you never do! I think thats why they call it hunting?

Jmad, I packed out bone and all. I like to cure the meat several days before cutting and wrapping, hanging allows me to do that. I also saw one bull well over 300 and another near there.

Here are some pictures I think.?
The Canyon, the second opening just right of center is the opening where they were feeding. This is a telephoto shot
http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o77 ... C_0003.jpg
The tallest tree just left of center was where I shot from.
http://s1342.beta.photobucket.com/user/ ... 5.jpg.html
The boy

Me and the boy.

Scotty and Brian will recognize this location

On the way back home!!!

You definitely worked for that one. The pictures do give perspective. Again, congratulations.
A fine spike!

If you ever need help packing something out up there let me know. I would be more than happy lend a hand.

My brother and I are going to start putting in for that tag as our second choice. I'm getting closer to drawing the any bull tag (4 more years I think) and would like to spend a few years hunting it before I get my chance at a big one. I sure love it up there.
Awesome pictures Bill, although, they never quite do the terrain justice. It is steep country.

I very much appreciate the offer. It may be a few more years until I need help, hopefully. While scouting on Friday I ran into a couple of guys, one of which had the bull tag. They were telling me that it takes between 14 and 17 to draw in that unit. I have not checked the website myself because I won't live that long. Also my archery guy tells me that spike tag reductions will be in place in 13. I apply for the spike hunt as my first choice. It is truly wonderful country, I have been going there on and off since the early60"s.
That is some darn fine shooting and you certainly earned him. No "COUPONS" were cashed in on this trip. Cashing in a coupon Bill would mean getting one near the road and having an elk whole in the back of the trip. You get the idea. :lol: :grin: He sure is pretty! I had a nice elk I skinned out whole tanned with the hair on and gave to a guy many years ago. I need to do one of those for myself I think now! Great photo's also.