I picked up a nice spike on Saturday the opening day of Oregons second season spike hunt. Shot was between 525 and 550 depending upon whether or not you believe the GPS or the range finder. I am leaning toward the GPS as I over shot him withe the first round and held low behind the shoulder on the second. I had cranked in 25 clicks of elevation for the shot. Hit him high about 12" back from the shoulder and exited in the front third, of the off ham. (Read lost steaks). I saw him flinch at the shot. He was apparently quartering more toward me than I thought. When I arrived where he was standing at the shot, I found a live elk running down towards the valley bottom. ( I was looking for a dead elk) He headed down another 6 or 700 feet lower than I already was. I waited 4 hours after I jumped him and found him by zig, zagging down the hill in a 400 yard wide grid pattern. He was laying dead upside down. No tracks, no blood just plan old hard, careful thought and work in locating him. Pack up was 600 ft of elevation in the first 400 yards then level the next 200 yards to the truck. Packed him out in three trips the next day. For some reason after posting numerous photos, I can not post now. I will try to get pictures posted again tomorrow.