Paring down, High Hunt

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Washington State offers an interesting hunt every September. Several wilderness areas are open to hunters for ten days. Typically it's a high country hunt, with a low success percentage, but it's an opportunity to hunt the mule deer bucks up in the high country, before they migrate lower, later in the fall.

Several ways to approach the hunt - but the key thing to remember is that it's either afoot, or on horseback. That's it. I like that. A lot of folks get packed in from an outfitter, but being the cheap, broke, middle class guy I am, I just stuff my hunting gear in a backpack and hike in. Sometimes solo, sometimes with a pard. This will be the first year my son joins me.

We're returning to an area I hunted two years ago. It's a tough hike in, only about eight miles, but a lot of vertical climb involved. We'll be camped at about 6,000' and likely hunting up to well over 7,000' - unless a buck falls into our laps in camp.

A legal buck here has three points on at least one antler. A big, mature 2x2 mule deer buck is not legal. I figure ANY buck taken on this difficult hunt is a trophy, not because of size, because of the difficulty of it. Bear season is also open, and a bear encounter is quite likely. Sometimes I've seen more bear than bucks on this hunt.

So here we are, a few days before the hunt, with our packs and gear laid out, food ready, etc. We go pretty minimalist, but a guy has to respect the ever-changing mountain weather. Gore Tex and fleece are good things. A small backpacking tent is a good thing for two of us. On my own I sometimes just bring a bivvy bag and do without the weight & comfort of a tent. A small stove to heat some chow. A way to purify some drinking water. One luxury I sometimes bring is a fly rod. Don't know if it will make this trip or not.

Optics are important, and worth their weight. Only with optics can a guy glass and glass and glass, "hunting" distant ridges without expending valuable energy.

I don't do this hunt every year, usually every other year. This is the year!

I'll be around a couple more days, then we're heading out. The first day will be pretty tough, getting camp into our chosen spot. After that we'll be hunting, and carrying lighter packs.

More later, Guy
A few photos from a prior High Hunt:

Pasayten Wilderness area:




Trail, there are no roads:
Guy that looks like a great hunt. I enjoy hiking in and hunting on foot quite alot. Just something about being able to get up and move with minimal effort. Good luck to you and your boy. Hope you both score good bucks. What rifle are you taking out? Scotty
That terrain looks very much like some I've hunted in Colorado. It takes the starch out of guys that are fit to hunt in about 3-4 days if you hunt hard and on foot. The pics make me want to be there. Good luck on the hunt. Be safe.

If I was home Guy, I would bring a Draft Horse and we can put up to 500-600 pounds on him, and I would just follow along behind you. Kinda like the cook... or skinner...
Good luck on the hunt! I know how you feel about the hike! We have about an 8 mile hike or soo instore for us out in Montana.

We're all pulling for you and your son. This is such an excellent opportunity. Thanks for posting the pictures. Man, I love the mountains, and Washington has some of the best!
Thanks for the best wishes guys.

I've got the gear pretty well laid out, and am trying to stuff it all in the packs. Hmmm. The fancy new Nimrod pack system I bought earlier in the year is NOT as big as my good old Kelty frame pack. Comfortable yes, and a really well thought out hunting pack, but definitely doesn't carry as much stuff as easily. May end up using the Kelty again. It always works.

Rifles are simple - the quarry is mule deer, with the off chance of a black bear. Don't know that I'd shoot a bear on this trip unless it had an extraordinary coat. Probably not. A big buck would be nice, but on this low-percentage hunt, any legal buck is a trophy.

With mule deer the quarry, we're taking our well proven mule deer rifles:

6mm Rem 700 BDL, 3.5-10x Leupold, 100 gr Nosler Partition @ 3,000 fps

.25-06 Rem 700 CDL, 6x Leupold, 115 gr Nosler Partition @ 3180 fps

Nice and simple. Same rifles we normally use on mule deer.

Too Tall - it would be GREAT to have you and your big pack horse along! I'm already setting money aside so that next year we can get packed in. I hope. Then I can use my energy for hunting, not playing pack mule.

Good luck on your hunt, sounds like a great trip. The pictures you have are beautiful country. Even if the hunt isn't sucessful looking off into country like that that relatively few people will work hard enough to see is an accomplishment in itself.

I'm always looking to upgrade or lighten my gear load. If you have your gear list on a computer where it isn't much work to PM I'd enjoy seeing it, especially what you pack for food/cooking. If it's a hassle don't worry about it.

Thanks and good luck!
All I can think of is God bless you both. Hope you both have the peace and contentment that only a hunter knows. And the rush...and the fun! It just is what it is. Thanks for sharing, and good luck! Be safe. CL
Good luck Guy, enjoy yourself my friend remember lots of Photos.
I really look forward to hearing your story.

Guy, you are truly blessed in the country you get to experience. I know you know that already, but I had to say it. I'm tremendously jealous!

Good luck to you and your son on the hunt. May you have good weather, good times, and good shots at good bucks!

Looking forward to the update when you get back.
That sounds (and looks) like an exceptional hunt Guy!

Some of the best memories I have are with family in the mountains, looking for a big mulie. I'm sure you and your son will be creating some great ones yourselves in a few days.

Good Luck!

Guy looks like you have a great hunt set up, Fresh air , beautiful views, and with any luck some game. The time spent with your son will be well worth it. Can you use pack dogs down thier, it's a great way to carry extra gear.