Partition Loads

30 40 Kraig

May 17, 2009
Hi, I am new here.
Just have a question about loading up some 180 gr Partitions in my 300 mag Savage model 112.
I had great success with a 180 gr Sierra Gameking using IMR 4831. But using the same charge (72.1 gr) with the Nosler Partition gave me only mediocre results.
Does anyone have a specific load for the Partitions?
I noticed the velocity of the Partitions was 50 ft/sec slower.
OK , welcome to the forum!

For he 300 Win Mag try
74-76 grains of RL22 or H4831

these are for the 180 grain loads...start at 70 grains and work up.....
76.9 grains of reloader 22 but this book it on the hotter side so work up from like 72 grains. reloader 25 with 82.3 grains but this book is loading them hotter than normal so start out with 76 and work your way up. this book is modern reloading second edition richard lee i dont know if it would be ok to hit 76.9 grains of reloader 22
30 40 Kraig

Welcome to the forum. Glad you found us here.

I assume you have a 300 Win Mag.
The best load I have found in the 300 Win Mag with 180 gr PT is 75.0 grs RL 22 and a Federal GM215M primer.
This load shoots well under MOA in 3 different rifles.

As already stated, work up to this load and don't look back.
