Partition question

sask boy

Ammo Smith
Nov 4, 2007
Hi Guys, we are receiving our Elk sausage on Tuesday and I have run into something that I have never had before.
I shot that spiker Elk and it was only 236 yards away used my RX1000. I hit it first in the face as I thought it was a little further away than it was and it went down immediately and then got up and I then anchored it. My second shot was a little high hitting the spine there was not exist hole.
There butcher advised that the bullet exploded when it hit the spine and damage a lot of the back straps.
I have shot a number of animals in the spine over my 40 plus years of hunting but never had a Partition explode. I am trying to remember if I had ever hit a elk or moose up high but can not really remember, must be getting a little long in the tooth :wink:
Has anyone else had this experience.
I am shooting 130gr Part. in my 270 chron @ 3054fps.

I doubt that the bullet "exploded," but I could see that the tenderloins were damaged by shock. I've spined a number of moose and bears, using a variety of bullets. I've never seen a bullet "explode" on the spine. Bone chips and blood shot meat from shock--yes; exploding bullets--no.
Thanks DrMike, I have the tenderloins already so I am kind of concerned with those remarks.
I am sure hope that we got our Elk back as I have only used this butcher a few times and took it there because of the guys we shared the Elk with. I normally take to a place 30 miles away.
Oh well it is live and learn I guess :)


The PT did not explode. What it did do was impart a lot of energy into the spine. The front core expended all its energy into the bone, most likely pulverizing it. This caused a lot of trauma and tissue damage in that area of the wound.

Nothing wrong with the PT bullet, it did exactly what it was designed to do. It expands quickly and in doing so, sends off lead fragments which act as secondary projectiles causing even more trauma to the wound channel.

You would have had the same amount of damage from any bullet hitting the spine.

Glad you got your elk and a freezer full of meat. :grin:

I KNOW that Partition never exploded, and the reasons the other's have given for the damage has been spot on! I lung shot a spike a few years ago with my 30-06 and a 165 gr. Nosler solid-base boattail bullet at about 200 yards. He went about 50 yards and piled up. The bullet exited the off side tight behind the shoulder and left an exhit hole of about what size I would expect. When I skinned my elk I COULD NOT BELIEVE the amount of blood shot meat that had been solely caused by the bullet hitting flesh and bone, although only rib bone. Any of the rib meat that I would have used for hamburger or sausage was completely bood shot on both sides of his rib cage. This blood shot continued behind his shoulder between the ribs and the shoulder itself. I also lost a lot of meat off of both shoulders. It could not have been a more perfect shot, and the bullet did its job spot on yet there I was with all of this ruined meat. It just happens sometimes! :evil: It's nothing more than that.
It could have been bone spinters that caused a bunch of camage as well. I have seen that on several spine shot elk, and a deer. With a solid spine hit a lot of times bone will do more damage to the meat than the bullet.
Deviate from its original course after losing the front part....yes.
Explode? no!

The only Partition I have ever heard of exploding was from an experimental cartridge developed by Ross Seyfried.
It was the 6mm MK IV 7mm rem mag necked down to 6mm. He was pushing the 85 gr PT way past their envelope at close range in his bullet box. Crazy speeds.
Still an unrealistic test.
Sometimes there is just no explanation for the amount of damage a bullet does. Case in point. A few years ago I hit a medium size mule deer buck just behind the shoulder. 175 yard range with a 240 gr Bearclaw. No heavy bones hit at all. Lost the whole front end of the deer. From the bullet hole to the dam ears was bruised. I have yet to see that much damage from one shot again. I have shot closer and further and nothing like that.
