Pic of 115 BST(257 Wby) recovered from Texas Whitetail


Apr 9, 2012
Some of you may have already seen this as I recently posted it on another site, but thought I'd share it with my fellow Noslerbertarians.

Below are a few pics of a 115 BST recovered from a little 8 pointer I shot a few weeks ago with my 257 Wby. Distance was 165 yards and the deer was DRT. Starting velocity was 3450.

The bullet entered the right shoulder and was found lodged underneath the skin on the left side, at the base of the neck(see pic). Recovered weight was 58.5 grains.



Out of a 257 Bee? That is awesome!

That bullet took a lot of punishment and still delivered. Great pictures. Thanks for posting.
That certainly works for me.
Good performance at high velocity.
Thanks for sharing, great info.
Congrats on a nice buck! Good shooting.

Unless I'm mistaken - that bullet is structurally the same as the 115 grain Ballistic Tip I used to take a mule deer and a pronghorn earlier this season, as well as a coyote. The bullet certainly is a quick killer! Mine were sent from a .25-06 at about 3120 fps.

Thanks for sharing the photos and info!

Congratulations on a nice buck and the bullet recovery.

Thanks for the comments guys. Yes, I was very impressed with the quickness in which the 115 BST dispatched this deer. I was a bit surprised it didn't exit though. Oh well, the bullet did it's job nicely, especially given the starting velocity. I can say, I've never seen a deer absolutely hit the deck as this deer did after being shot. I'll be sticking with the 115 BST and the 257 Roy. Great combo for Whitetails!
I shoot them at 3000 fps in my 25 wssm, couldn't dream of a better whitetail bullet, out of 15-18 deer shot at all angles, never recovered one.
I'm using the same bullet in my wife's 25-06. Haven't gotten to test it yet on anything but its very accurate.
That is the first bullet I use when working up a load for a new .257 caliber rifle. My step-son's 25-06 has taken several deer and one black bear with the 115gr NBT, and the results were very similar. He hasn't needed a follow up shot yet.

Even though that bullet didn't exit, it did its job. It got to the other side!
That bullet did exactly what you want them to do :)
Nice Buck in the harvest as well.

It did what it's supposed to do.

My buddy Frank used the 115 grain Barnes TSX on his Texas whitetail last week and the bullet went right through. Frank shot the deer at around 180 yards. The bullet broke the ribs on entry and the left shoulder on the way out.

This the exit wound.

That buck has some fine headgear, Rommel. Frank is to be congratulated.

I am a big Fan of the 257 WBY

WBY Accumark

seems the 257 WBY and 100gr Barnes TTSX are made for each other.

Excellent Bullet!
The interesting part is that some shooters would call that a classic case of bullet failure. LOL

wbyfan1":2uy2uluc said:
Some of you may have already seen this as I recently posted it on another site, but thought I'd share it with my fellow Noslerbertarians.

Below are a few pics of a 115 BST recovered from a little 8 pointer I shot a few weeks ago with my 257 Wby. Distance was 165 yards and the deer was DRT. Starting velocity was 3450.

The bullet entered the right shoulder and was found lodged underneath the skin on the left side, at the base of the neck(see pic). Recovered weight was 58.5 grains.


