Picked up another Glock.


Aug 4, 2005
I have a Glock G36 which is my main conceal carry pistol and i also have a G33 that i keep around the house. I had a G43 that i gave my daughter when she graduated and I've been wanting get another 9mm to replace it with. I was looking at the G17, 19 and 45 and i researched them to death. After going around and handling and shooting each I ended up going with the G19 and really love it.
I also wanted something my wife could handle as the G33 was a little to snappy for her. She shoots it very well and loves it too, I think I made the right choice.


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I have a love/hate relationship with Glocks. My first duty pistol was a Colt Python Then we joined the Glock wave. I was not given the option. From a training and function aspect they are great pistols. I’m certain I had occasion during my career to look at one that was not functioning correctly, simply don’t recall the incident. The 19 is certainly a great pistol. I’m certain time will show you made a fine choice.
Congratulations on your new Glock 19. Glad to hear that your wife also likes shooting it.
Good choice.

I have 7 Glocks (17, 31, 22, 20, 40, 21 & 41) and all are gen4. I don't think Glock has anything to offer as they ALL look the same. As far as factory offerings it would be nice if all would be offered with a 6" (6.01") barrel. What isn't offered in that length is 357sig and 45acp models. All but the 10mm and 357sig aren't offered in 5.31" which is a bummer in my book! As far as 45gap, 22lr and 380acp goes it doesn't matter what is offered. I guess for now I'll just keep buying aftermarket barrels to fit the in-betweens?
I think you will enjoy it as well. I was late to the whole Glock parade. I had and am a Colt .45 Fan and Ruger Fan. When I picked up the Glock 19, I have found it to be a easy pistol to shoot well and very reliable. Enjoy
I have been a Sig and Kimber fan for years, the Sig is a double action with an external safety which i like. I like a Glock as well due to high round count, but my question is ,,,, Is there an external safety decocker on the slide like the Sig? How can I prevent it from going off when its loaded and cocked?
Glocks internal safeties are pretty reliable though any thing built by man can and has failed. I recall a few reports of early Glocks firing when dropped but it was not a wide spread problem and it was pre internet. So with a Glock you have to 99.9% of the time put your finger on the trigger to get them to fire. Via proper training you remain indexed until you have made the decision to shoot.
When we went away from the one size fits all, which included 1911s, the only training related negligent discharges we had were with Glocks. Those NDs occurred at the clearing barrel thankfully. Somehow, about once every other year, someone would be unable to successfully clear their weapon, administratively upload and dry fire the weapon to begin the clean and service portion of their gualification.
Glocks internal safeties are pretty reliable though any thing built by man can and has failed. I recall a few reports of early Glocks firing when dropped but it was not a wide spread problem and it was pre internet. So with a Glock you have to 99.9% of the time put your finger on the trigger to get them to fire. Via proper training you remain indexed until you have made the decision to shoot.
When we went away from the one size fits all, which included 1911s, the only training related negligent discharges we had were with Glocks. Those NDs occurred at the clearing barrel thankfully. Somehow, about once every other year, someone would be unable to successfully clear their weapon, administratively upload and dry fire the weapon to begin the clean and service portion of their gualification.
There has also been a number of sympathetic discharges involving glocks.