Pictures & Stories......Thanks a millon...


Dec 25, 2006
I am thouroughly enjoying all the pictures and stories. I really appreciate all of you taking the time & effort to post them for all of us to enjoy. WONDERFUL ..... and congratulations to all of you on your successful hunts that we all get to enjoy.
It is pretty neat. I like reading all the hunting stories that show up here every fall!
It is so good to see all the fun that the guys are having hunting and the stories and pictures really are a lot of fun th view.
Just remember,
Even in the wintertime....small game and varmints deserve pictures too! 8)
I enjoy the stories and pictures too. They sure help build my anticipation for the hunting season. My Dad and I are leaving Monday the 10th to meet friends from IL and hunt deer and pronghorn in WY. Only seven more days.
I wopuld rather read these posts with pics, than any out door mag out there. Maybe I can post some bird huntin pics this winter!