Pins and Needles again...

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Am once again in that waiting game...

Wyoming applications in for mule deer and pronghorn. Sure hope to enjoy as good a hunt as I had in 2012!

Washington applications in for moose, mountain goat and bighorn sheep. Though I've pretty much just reconciled myself to hunting for those species with my camera...

Also put in for some special tags for mule deer & elk hunting, though I can of course hunt those with my over-the-counter tags.

Really looking forward to the draw results for both states. I'm likely to draw in Wyoming, and it's looking like I have enough points built up in Washington to finally draw some of the tags I've wanted for a long time, at least for mule deer & elk...

Who else is eagerly anticipating the draws?

Just finished a successful turkey season on Monday.
Now my thoughts are shifting to WY for Antelope.
Next month I will be applying for bear and elk here in MI.

Oregon apps are in, Deer and Elk. Been fortunate on elk always drawn a spike tag. With 18 points I have a 50/50 chance of drawing the any bull tag. Deer I'm hitting every other year, probably won't get it. Washington will be otc for mulies or whitetail. Did not put in for Montana this year, too expensive for me to pull off every other year any more. My BIL has said cow elk will be available OTC on his ranch near Yellowstone. Sande and I will probably do the cow hunt in conjunction with a bird hunting trip to eastern Mt. And the Dakotas.

Pins and needles, oh yeah. The unit I hunt went to spike only back in 90 or 91. After a couple of years they started issuing a limited number of any bull tags. There are some good bulls in there.
I submitted for the branch antler bull tag and 2nd choice spike in Oregon. Also submitted my son for a spike tag in the same unit. My best friend should be submitting for a spike tag as well. I will also get a point for Wyoming elk as well. Maybe Muleys too while I'm there.

I'm really hoping my son and buddy draw the spike tags. It's beautiful country in Oregon with a lot of opportunity for elk. Plus, no matter the horn size, the spikes eat like fine beef!
Congrats, Bruce. Never hunted NM, but I recall some fine mule deer down toward the Big Bend in the 70s.
Oregon application went in last night, and Washington will go in soon. Will apply for PP, again this year and then start putting my wife in for a tag while I continue to draw points.
Elkman":2ad9b2r3 said:
Oregon application went in last night, and Washington will go in soon. Will apply for PP, again this year and then start putting my wife in for a tag while I continue to draw points.

Good deal Bill. Hoping we can get Brandon or Shaun to draw the coveted B&C Spike tag this year. They'll really have to beat the hills trying to get a big one like I shot last year. I imagine they should be able to find a little guy like you shot though... :lol:
Pins and Needles?

I need to take a Valium when I put my apps in as I get all atwitter until the results come out. Then I get atwitter again in anticipation of the hunt. Then when I see the animal it starts again. In short I'm atwitter.

You've got it down to just pins and needles? I envy you. :)