Playing with the new stuff


Apr 5, 2014
LGS had three of the new IMR powders. As I shoot my mid range calibers more than the small stuff and the magnums I decided to try a pound of 4451.
I loaded up some rounds for the 257 Roberts and 30.06.

I fed the powder through the Redding powder measure and weighed each load on a balance beam scale. While most of the 257 Roberts loads were within a couple tenths of a grain, the 30.06 showed much more variation for the increased volume. Even with the 257 Roberts amount there was an occasional load that went off by several tenths. I was expecting a finer sized grain with the new powders. Still, it's not that big of a hassle to weigh each rifle load when not loading more than 20 rounds at a time.

When it quits raining long enough I'm going to do some shooting

165 Grain Sierra SPBT for the 06. 115 Grain Nosler Partitions for the 257
I've got 8 pounds of the same and I'm really looking forward to working up a couple of 30-06 rifles, .338 Win Mag, and a 6.5x284 with that powder.

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Well the first trip with 30.06 was disappointing. Suggested OAL was 3.300.
I think I will try going to 3.340 and see if it gets better.

I'm sorry to hear that it wasn't the bee's knees for you mate.
As you know every rifle barrel is a creature unto itself so while yours may not like it mine might. The only way to tell is to load some up and shoot it.


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The 257 results.

I repeated the bullets for the 06 to 3.340 OAL. The first two were in the circle.
Looking decent though. Seems like it wouldn't take much to tune up the load.