Please explain why this is

The US is in a dangerous position as the takers are approaching, if they have not already achieved, a majority.
Those like him, are clueless to what ambition and self reliance means. It's all about what they can manage to screw the system out of,,,,,,,,as well as other's. Like our President,,,,it's all about , Me and I.
Not unllike the middle east, it will take generations to correct this attitude of dependency. If we can anymore?
Actually this situation has been generations in the making.....

The Piper has been playing his tune and soon it will come time to pay the bill.
He thinks money falls from the sky!!!! All you have to be a black, stupid and poor and they pay you $11,000 tuition plus $450/mo rent to be that! What the heck, if it works for him why should he question that money falling out of the sky?

I could not even get GI Bill for school, until I was not elegible (Vietnam Era). So I worked two jobs for years to get through school. He gets money from the sky, I guess that I am the wrong color in America?