possible rifle purchase

...don't sound like you'll have much luck, but I'd push the Mountain Rifle over the Mod. 7. I'm pretty much convinced that "flinch" has just as much to do w/ muzzle blast as actual recoil & even 2 more inches of barrel is better. Check the balance point on the rifles, most Mod.7's (& Ruger Compacts) balance just in front of the trigger guard making them awkward, & even lighter, more tiring to carry. Altogether the LSS is a better buy for the money, but the "smart money" says let her get what she wants, & change her mind whenever...
My girlfriend has made up her mind. She wants a Weatherby vanguard series II youth. Once I know the correct LOP, I will order a Boyd semi custom stock. As for optics, I will mount a spare Nikon Monarch 2x7 scope.
P.S. Will likely have it chambered in 7mm-08.
I think she'll be very happy with that in the long run. If you want to try a slightly different approach, for about the same money, you can get a Howa Lightweight Youth gun with two Hogue overmolded stocks. That way if you want to shoot the rifle, a stock swap will make it fit you. You can sell the other stock and recoup some of your cost, if you'd like, too.
Rifle#2 Remington model 700 mountain LSS, 7mm-08 22” barrel with Leupold vx3 2x8. Approximately 30 rounds have been fired. Seller will go as low as $800.
