Powder Recommendations for the Nosler E-Tip

Mike Fontaine

Feb 28, 2006
Hello Friends,
As like many of you, I ordered a batch of E-Tips. Can't wait to test them. I'm sure Nosler has completed extensive testing and I would assume would have some ballistics data to share with us (powder loads data specifically). Given that the E-tip is like no other bullet (material, BC, etc.) I would hate to just use the powder recommendations that are for the AccuBond, for example. By the way, has anyone received their E-Tips yet?
Use AccuBond/BT data. Start low and work up. It is NOT a purely copper bullet like the Barnes. It does have zinc in it so it is more of a conventional bullet.
I'll be curious to see what the actual tested data looks like for the E-Tip, as I would assume there has to be some difference in compressibility of the bullet versus the traditional lead core stuff. Kind of like how Partitions generally give a little higher pressure (and velocity) for a given powder charge versus BT's.
If I had to "guess", I would expect E-Tips to be more like TSX bullets than they would be like conventional lead core bullets. At least for loading purposes, anyway.

The E-Tips have my attention but I'm going to wait for the feedback from the shooters on these boards before I jump in there and buy a load of them. Heck, premium bullets are hitting the market faster than I can work up loads for them. :grin:

Decisions, decisions, decisions???????????????????????
I reported what I was told initially by Nosler.
Because of the "gilding metal" of the e-tip (kinda like an AccuBond and not a solid copper bullet) you load it as a conventional...with care.

IE the 110 AccuBond for the 25 cals did not initially have specific loading data. We loaded it as a 115 gr ballistic tip.
I understand that the E-Tip is an alloy similar to (or perhaps identical to) Nosler's jacket alloy, but my concern would be the different compressibility of that alloy versus lead. I'm not terribly worried about it, as I don't own a 30cal (other than a 30-30), so I won't be using them for a while, depending on when other calibers come available. The comparison of AccuBond versus Ballistic Tip is not entirely a true comparison in my mind based on the similarities of the construction of the two bullets, where the E-Tip is very different. I would work any of these up with extreme care, I can tell you that much. It's like I said in my earlier post - the Partition's cross-member makes those bullets generate higher pressure/velocity for a given powder charge than traditional single core bullets of similar size and shape, which makes me wonder about the E-Tip.

I know you are giving out the info you were given, but I would not be working up any E-Tip loads lightly. In fact, I'd probably start with something like the 300Wby, and load them over AA8700, as you can't get over pressure with that powder, there's just not enough case volume, but you could get some idea of how the E-Tip behaves versus traditional lead core bullets for comparison.
+1 to what Pop said.

Also, the RG#6 will have a lot of new load data too. The E-Tip will not
be included in the new guide. It will , however, be on the web. :grin:
