Powders for 223 and 50-52gr bullets


Apr 25, 2007
Reseraching what to use in a bolt gun 24" barrel. I want accuracy first and formost. I have H322, H4895, TAC, AA2230, AA2495. These were for other cartridges and am only useing the first three powders I listed. I do not mind picking up a new powder as long as it is a proven can't go wrong 223 powder for the bullet weights I plan on using.

Bench Mark caught my attention and then there are the VV powders. I load the 35rem and 358win witch seem to use the same burn rate powders. I do like the clean powders and the Hodgdon and TAC listed above seem to be very clean.

On a second note there is one bullet I never see in posts the 45gr berger it should fill a nitch for cartridges like the 221FB/222REM, has anyone tried it?
I'd tend to Benchmark and H335 were this my project. I also would take a good look at N135, N133 and IMR4895 for this weight bullet.
I had great luck with Benchmark. I was shooting a R-15 in .223 with 50gr BTs.

Took this little bugger @ about 250 yards in the head. I had just shot a three shot group that meassured .233" so I was pretty confident with the rifle.

That's a great picture, Jake. Good looking piece you have there, and some fine shooting.
Thanks Mike! I sold her though to but my Savage .243 I'm thinking about selling my savage now and getting a 243 WSSM AR upper. I already have a DPMS lower sitting in my safe, and it needs a top on it pretty bad.
I load 24.5grs. of Benchmark behind a Nosler 50gr. bt. or Hornady 50gr. V-max. using CCI 400 primer. This shoots very accurate in my 26" heavy barrel Remington 700.
I like a max charge of Benchmark with a 50-grain bullet. One of the several things I like about Benhcmark is that it meters very nicely
I have excellent results with Benchmark or Win748. Want to try TAC but not able to find it here local. IMR8208 XBR has been super for a friend with 55gr bullets. Five shots in one ragged hole at 100yards
Benchmark and RL15 have worked pretty well in the 223's autoloaders I have worked with. I don't know if you would have much trouble with any of the powders in the cartridges general area. The 223 is about as accurate as they come and easy to load for.
...I like TAC, it's clean, consistent, meters well, good velocities, & very good accuracy...
I really like TAC, it meters so well that my powder dispenser only will have a variance of .1 or .2 grains which allows me to load alot of cartridges quickly and still maintain good accurate loads. I've also been using Benchmark - good accuracy. I've also got some XBR loaded up to try - it is supposed to be very tolerent of temp. variation.
Thanks guys

I did buy Lapua match brass but not any bullets yet. I bought some HSM ammo in the 50BK and 52HPV so thats why I was thinking about them bullets. If One of these seems to group well I would try that bullet and note its velocity.

I mounted the scope VX3 4.5-14x40mm LR and focused the reticle. sitting at my dinning room table I can see dime at 150 yards (maybe even read it).
After this rain I bet I can walk on the snow so going to the range if the weather is good on the agenda soon.

The 50-55 B-tips are some thing to try in time.
wildgene":vrgoblhe said:
...I like TAC, it's clean, consistent, meters well, good velocities, & very good accuracy...

Yep; there's your huckleberry.

I like H335 too, though.