Preparing to ask for Quickload help


Nov 23, 2013
I have measured the water capacity of two Nosler 30-06 cases, cleaned and sized with the fired primer in place. Placing the empty case on my RCBS Chargemaster scale, (after calibrating the scale) and filling it with distilled water to the top of the neck, just flat, not overfilling, I get 70.6 and 70.8 grains of water capacity. Is this in the "normal range" for 30-06 case water capacity? Is my procedure correct? The cases measure 2.489" with the primer in place.
Thank you in advance for any guidance. Rol
Roland, if you are looking for the overflow case capacity for purposes of inputing that information into a quickload projection, I was under the impression that one measured the capacity of a fired, but UNSIZED, case. I am not sure about the meniscus, but I thought it was with the water "rounded up" or "convex" above the case mouth. I am sure there are members that know for certain and can correct me if I am wrong.

yes use a case that was fired in that chamber . do not size the case for this . I fill my case so it's flat . I'll fill it with water and just touch a paper towel to it to level the ( bubble )meniscus . make sure the outside of the brass case is dry .