Prescribed burns


Ammo Smith
Dec 13, 2013
Our son in law, as I’ve mentioned earlier, is fighting cancer. Kemo has been kicking his ass but he is tough. He knows I was hoping to do some prescribed burns in April when we returned to Oregon from Arizona. Much to my daughter’s dismay he got out today and burned out a 200 yard swath on our place. Hell of a good young man.
We hope all you all who have daughters are as blessed as we are, minus the cancer.


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A strong will, positive attitude, and work ethic will assist him in his medical battle!
All the best for him!

Watched a hunting show recently where the wife accompanying her husband on an African safari had chemo the day before going to Africa, in her second bout of fighting cancer. She was all smiles and great attitude as she followed her husband on his stalks and taking his game. Was very positive to see her in such great shape and spirit so soon after a round of chemo!
(I watched my uncle struggle with chemo and radiation treatments while struggling with this cancer that eventually claimed him.)
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