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- #21
Okay initial results from range after gunsmith work.
The work performed was making concentric the chamber where "magnum bulge" can occur right after the belt. Polishing and removing all tool marks in chamber, throat and beginning of rifling. Gunsmith stated tool marks and non-concentricity was more work than he first anticipated. The gunsmith mentioned that the headspacing on this Savage is extremely tight but safe.
I loaded 8 rounds (4 virgin brass and 4 fire-formed) of Sierra 160 GK SBT with incremented powder charges of H4831sc starting at 55.2 gr and ending with 58 gr.
In addition I loaded 8 rounds (4 virgin brass and 4 fire-formed) of Hornady 162 Interlock BTSP with incremented powder charges of IMR 4831 starting at 54 gr and ending with 58 gr.
I first fired the lowest charge sierra virgin brass. Case ejection was a little sticky. Next was fire-formed of the same and bolt stick.
I tapped the bolt handle and ejected the case. I inserted the empty case and yup it was hard to eject.
I did notice that the two brass cases had little brown specks all over the cases. I wondered if the gunsmith's tooling oil residue might be these specks. (I called later and he agreed they were) I had only run a dry patch thru the barrel before the range trip.
I fired the next set of incremented Sierra rounds and had pretty much the same experience. This at least removed the concern that it has been the fire-formed brass. Virgin brass was same result. No super bolt lock but there was felt sticky and light lock on one round. FPS did appear to be back to my normal FPS for the loads.
I almost stopped there but decided to fire the lowest charge Hornady virgin brass round. ...and ??? :? the first hornady case ejected smoothly. Too easily and smoothly. I fired the matching fire-formed brass round.. Same thing. I went to the next Hornady powder incremented set. Again both virgin and fire-formed ejected like a custom rifle action. I went back to the Sierra's next incremented set. They ejected beautifully. All along the FPS is higher than the manual's by a significant amount but case ejection was perfect. (100-120 FPS -- could be my chrony off)
I completed all of the remaining test rounds and not a single case ejection issue or even the slightest stick from even the highest powder charge from either Sierra or Hornady's sets. Hottest round velocity at about 3079 FPS.
Its almost like the 5th round broke something free. I only tested these 16 rounds but will head out to the range tomorrow to complete testing and hopefully complete hunting rounds for friend.
I cannot explain this other than the Gunsmith's work appears to have corrected the big issue and that some small remaining residu affected the first 4 rounds?
I will report tomorrows range results to validate today's results. I am hoping they are the same. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Thanks all
The work performed was making concentric the chamber where "magnum bulge" can occur right after the belt. Polishing and removing all tool marks in chamber, throat and beginning of rifling. Gunsmith stated tool marks and non-concentricity was more work than he first anticipated. The gunsmith mentioned that the headspacing on this Savage is extremely tight but safe.
I loaded 8 rounds (4 virgin brass and 4 fire-formed) of Sierra 160 GK SBT with incremented powder charges of H4831sc starting at 55.2 gr and ending with 58 gr.
In addition I loaded 8 rounds (4 virgin brass and 4 fire-formed) of Hornady 162 Interlock BTSP with incremented powder charges of IMR 4831 starting at 54 gr and ending with 58 gr.
I first fired the lowest charge sierra virgin brass. Case ejection was a little sticky. Next was fire-formed of the same and bolt stick.
I fired the next set of incremented Sierra rounds and had pretty much the same experience. This at least removed the concern that it has been the fire-formed brass. Virgin brass was same result. No super bolt lock but there was felt sticky and light lock on one round. FPS did appear to be back to my normal FPS for the loads.
I almost stopped there but decided to fire the lowest charge Hornady virgin brass round. ...and ??? :? the first hornady case ejected smoothly. Too easily and smoothly. I fired the matching fire-formed brass round.. Same thing. I went to the next Hornady powder incremented set. Again both virgin and fire-formed ejected like a custom rifle action. I went back to the Sierra's next incremented set. They ejected beautifully. All along the FPS is higher than the manual's by a significant amount but case ejection was perfect. (100-120 FPS -- could be my chrony off)
I completed all of the remaining test rounds and not a single case ejection issue or even the slightest stick from even the highest powder charge from either Sierra or Hornady's sets. Hottest round velocity at about 3079 FPS.
Its almost like the 5th round broke something free. I only tested these 16 rounds but will head out to the range tomorrow to complete testing and hopefully complete hunting rounds for friend.
I cannot explain this other than the Gunsmith's work appears to have corrected the big issue and that some small remaining residu affected the first 4 rounds?
I will report tomorrows range results to validate today's results. I am hoping they are the same. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Thanks all