My ace compadre bought a Mdl 70 in 7STW off of Gunbroker.
Included in the deal were dies, brass and about 75 rounds of the original owners handloads.
No dope on what they are constructed of was included though.
We shot a few of them and it looked like Ray Charles was behind the trigger, didn't group very well at all.
My pet load for my STW shot very well out of his rifle however.
Took them all apart saved the 160ABs but dumped the powder.
So now I have about 60 cases with live primers in them that I have no idea if they are large rifle primers or magnum primers.
I want to remove them from the cases but don't really want to have to pop all of them in the action of my 7 STW.
I don't think knocking them out with a sizing die is safe, so what should I do?
Included in the deal were dies, brass and about 75 rounds of the original owners handloads.
No dope on what they are constructed of was included though.
We shot a few of them and it looked like Ray Charles was behind the trigger, didn't group very well at all.
My pet load for my STW shot very well out of his rifle however.
Took them all apart saved the 160ABs but dumped the powder.
So now I have about 60 cases with live primers in them that I have no idea if they are large rifle primers or magnum primers.
I want to remove them from the cases but don't really want to have to pop all of them in the action of my 7 STW.
I don't think knocking them out with a sizing die is safe, so what should I do?