Q.L. request, 404 Jeffery and

c. schutte

Jan 24, 2012
It h as been difficult to find any data for this so if any would provide any data I would be grateful. Thanks in advance.

Considering the following powders;

404. Jeffery
400 grain NF S.P. & solid
24" barrel
modern M70 magnum action
Only NF in QuickLoad was a 380
Gonna be a little crunchy with 4831 :grin:
Cartridge          : .404 Riml.NE (Jeffery, 10.75x73)
Bullet             : .423, 380, NorthFork BondedCore
Useable Case Capaci: 87.176 grain H2O = 5.660 cm³
Cartridge O.A.L. L6: 3.530 inch = 89.66 mm
Barrel Length      : 24.0 inch = 609.6 mm
Powder             : Hodgdon H4831 SC

Predicted data by increasing and decreasing the given charge,
incremented in steps of 2.0% of nominal charge.
CAUTION: Figures exceed maximum and minimum recommended loads !

Step    Fill. Charge   Vel.  Energy   Pmax   Pmuz  Prop.Burnt B_Time
 %       %    Grains   fps   ft.lbs    psi    psi      %        ms

-20.0   82    66.29   1725    2511   21501   4992     72.8    1.896
-18.0   84    67.95   1769    2642   22845   5197     74.3    1.848
-16.0   86    69.60   1814    2777   24281   5403     75.7    1.801
-14.0   88    71.26   1860    2918   25803   5610     77.1    1.754
-12.0   90    72.92   1906    3064   27454   5816     78.5    1.709
-10.0   92    74.57   1952    3216   29210   6020     79.9    1.665
-08.0   94    76.23   1999    3373   31092   6224     81.3    1.621
-06.0   96    77.89   2047    3535   33109   6425     82.6    1.579
-04.0   98    79.55   2095    3704   35275   6623     84.0    1.537
-02.0  100    81.20   2144    3878   37605   6818     85.2    1.496
+00.0  102    82.86   2193    4057   40111   7009     86.5    1.451
+02.0  104    84.52   2242    4243   42814   7195     87.7    1.409
+04.0  106    86.17   2293    4435   45733   7376     88.8    1.367  ! Near Maximum !
+06.0  108    87.83   2343    4632   48892   7550     90.0    1.327  ! Near Maximum !
+08.0  110    89.49   2394    4837   52314   7718     91.0    1.288  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+10.0  112    91.15   2446    5047   56030   7877     92.1    1.250  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!

Results caused by ± 10% powder lot-to-lot burning rate variation using nominal charge
Data for burning rate increased by 10% relative to nominal value:
+Ba    102    82.86   2340    4620   47890   7423     93.9    1.339  ! Near Maximum !
Data for burning rate decreased by 10% relative to nominal value:
-Ba    102    82.86   2021    3445   33172   6304     76.3    1.582

Here's some Woodleigh bullet info as it's the only 400 to at least give you an idea

Cartridge          : .404 Riml.NE (Jeffery, 10.75x73)
Bullet             : .422, 400, Woodleigh FMJ 34
Useable Case Capaci: 89.959 grain H2O = 5.841 cm³
Cartridge O.A.L. L6: 3.530 inch = 89.66 mm
Barrel Length      : 24.0 inch = 609.6 mm
Powder             : Hodgdon H4831 SC

Predicted data by increasing and decreasing the given charge,
incremented in steps of 2.0% of nominal charge.
CAUTION: Figures exceed maximum and minimum recommended loads !

Step    Fill. Charge   Vel.  Energy   Pmax   Pmuz  Prop.Burnt B_Time
 %       %    Grains   fps   ft.lbs    psi    psi      %        ms

-20.0   79    66.29   1695    2551   21315   5159     74.5    1.945
-18.0   81    67.95   1737    2681   22620   5367     76.0    1.896
-16.0   83    69.60   1781    2817   24009   5576     77.4    1.848
-14.0   85    71.26   1825    2957   25487   5784     78.8    1.802
-12.0   87    72.92   1869    3103   27064   5992     80.1    1.756
-10.0   89    74.57   1914    3254   28748   6199     81.5    1.711
-08.0   91    76.23   1959    3409   30543   6404     82.8    1.668
-06.0   93    77.89   2005    3570   32461   6606     84.1    1.625
-04.0   95    79.55   2051    3736   34520   6806     85.4    1.583
-02.0   97    81.20   2098    3908   36705   7002     86.6    1.542
+00.0   99    82.86   2144    4085   39082   7193     87.8    1.498
+02.0  101    84.52   2192    4267   41615   7380     88.9    1.456
+04.0  103    86.17   2239    4455   44338   7562     90.0    1.414
+06.0  105    87.83   2288    4648   47263   7737     91.0    1.374  ! Near Maximum !
+08.0  107    89.49   2336    4846   50430   7905     92.0    1.334  ! Near Maximum !
+10.0  109    91.15   2385    5051   53843   8066     93.0    1.296  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!

Results caused by ± 10% powder lot-to-lot burning rate variation using nominal charge
Data for burning rate increased by 10% relative to nominal value:
+Ba     99    82.86   2284    4635   46658   7578     94.8    1.383  ! Near Maximum !
Data for burning rate decreased by 10% relative to nominal value:
-Ba     99    82.86   1980    3480   32329   6506     77.8    1.630

Cartridge          : .404 Riml.NE (Jeffery, 10.75x73)
Bullet             : .422, 400, Woodleigh SN WeldCore 33A
Useable Case Capaci: 92.266 grain H2O = 5.991 cm³
Cartridge O.A.L. L6: 3.530 inch = 89.66 mm
Barrel Length      : 24.0 inch = 609.6 mm
Powder             : Hodgdon H4831 SC

Predicted data by increasing and decreasing the given charge,
incremented in steps of 2.0% of nominal charge.
CAUTION: Figures exceed maximum and minimum recommended loads !

Step    Fill. Charge   Vel.  Energy   Pmax   Pmuz  Prop.Burnt B_Time
 %       %    Grains   fps   ft.lbs    psi    psi      %        ms

-20.0   77    66.29   1678    2500   20543   5154     74.0    1.972
-18.0   79    67.95   1720    2626   21769   5363     75.5    1.923
-16.0   81    69.60   1762    2758   23073   5573     76.9    1.876
-14.0   83    71.26   1805    2894   24459   5782     78.2    1.830
-12.0   85    72.92   1848    3035   25924   5992     79.6    1.785
-10.0   87    74.57   1892    3180   27506   6200     80.9    1.740
-08.0   89    76.23   1937    3331   29179   6407     82.2    1.697
-06.0   91    77.89   1981    3487   30964   6612     83.5    1.655
-04.0   93    79.55   2026    3647   32868   6815     84.8    1.613
-02.0   94    81.20   2072    3813   34902   7014     86.0    1.572
+00.0   96    82.86   2118    3984   37076   7210     87.2    1.532
+02.0   98    84.52   2164    4159   39402   7401     88.3    1.490
+04.0  100    86.17   2211    4340   41894   7588     89.4    1.448
+06.0  102    87.83   2258    4527   44568   7769     90.5    1.407
+08.0  104    89.49   2305    4718   47440   7944     91.5    1.368  ! Near Maximum !
+10.0  106    91.15   2352    4915   50527   8112     92.4    1.330  ! Near Maximum !

Results caused by ± 10% powder lot-to-lot burning rate variation using nominal charge
Data for burning rate increased by 10% relative to nominal value:
+Ba     96    82.86   2257    4526   44212   7621     94.4    1.415
Data for burning rate decreased by 10% relative to nominal value:
-Ba     96    82.86   1955    3393   30710   6502     77.2    1.661

Cartridge          : .404 Riml.NE (Jeffery, 10.75x73)
Bullet             : .422, 400, Woodleigh SN WeldCore 33A
Useable Case Capaci: 92.266 grain H2O = 5.991 cm³
Cartridge O.A.L. L6: 3.530 inch = 89.66 mm
Barrel Length      : 24.0 inch = 609.6 mm

Predicted Data for Indicated Charges of the Following Powders.
Matching Maximum Pressure: 51000 psi, or 351 MPa
or a maximum loading ratio or filling of 110 %
These calculations refer to your specified settings in QuickLOAD 'Cartridge Dimensions' window.
C A U T I O N : any load listed can result in a powder charge that falls below minimum suggested
loads or exceeds maximum suggested loads as presented in current handloading manuals. Understand
that all of the listed powders can be unsuitable for the given combination of cartridge, bullet
and gun. Actual load order can vary, depending upon lot-to-lot powder and component variations.

7 loads produced a Loading Ratio below user-defined minimum of 90%. These powders have been skipped.
Powder type          Filling/Loading Ratio  Charge    Charge   Vel. Prop.Burnt P max  P muzz  B_Time
                                      %     Grains    Gramm   fps     %       psi     psi    ms
---------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------------------------
Alliant Reloder-26                 107.8     98.6     6.39    2517    99.4    51000    9463   1.298  ! Near Maximum !
Norma MRP                          107.9     95.8     6.21    2477    97.2    51000    9260   1.306  ! Near Maximum !
ReloadSwiss RS 60                   97.2     86.7     5.62    2466   100.0    51000    8338   1.304  ! Near Maximum !
Elcho 17                            96.3     85.9     5.57    2449   100.0    51000    8288   1.311  ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-17                  96.3     85.9     5.57    2449   100.0    51000    8288   1.311  ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N560                    109.2     94.9     6.15    2448    93.2    51000    9142   1.310  ! Near Maximum !
ReloadSwiss RS 70                  103.5     93.8     6.08    2446    97.5    51000    8933   1.307  ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP5/NP ~approximation       109.7     94.3     6.11    2444    95.7    51000    8956   1.312  ! Near Maximum !
Raufoss RA15                       109.7     94.3     6.11    2444    95.7    51000    8956   1.312  ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-22                 109.7     94.3     6.11    2444    95.7    51000    8956   1.312  ! Near Maximum !
Accurate MAGPRO                    110.0     99.4     6.44    2440    91.2    51000    9137   1.313  ! Near Maximum !
Somchem S365                       103.9     87.9     5.70    2439   100.0    51000    7928   1.318  ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-16                 103.4     85.6     5.55    2432    99.9    51000    8176   1.320  ! Near Maximum !
ReloadSwiss RS 62                  100.4     89.5     5.80    2430    99.3    51000    8352   1.327  ! Near Maximum !
IMR 7828 SSC                       107.1     93.6     6.06    2417    93.3    51000    8783   1.311  ! Near Maximum !
PB Clermont PCL 518                101.9     89.5     5.80    2414    97.9    51000    8412   1.321  ! Near Maximum !
PB Clermont PCL 511                 97.8     88.6     5.74    2413    98.2    51000    8372   1.322  ! Near Maximum !
Ramshot Hunter                     101.0     88.7     5.75    2412    98.2    51000    8360   1.322  ! Near Maximum !
Ramshot Magnum                     109.1    101.1     6.55    2404    95.6    51000    8588   1.311  ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H414                        95.2     85.7     5.55    2402    97.4    51000    8284   1.328  ! Near Maximum !
Winchester 760                      95.2     85.7     5.55    2402    97.4    51000    8284   1.328  ! Near Maximum !
ADI AR 2213                        107.7     92.6     6.00    2402    93.1    51000    8671   1.313  ! Near Maximum !
Accurate 4350                      100.3     85.3     5.53    2401    99.4    51000    8091   1.347  ! Near Maximum !
Norma URP                          100.4     84.5     5.47    2399    99.4    51000    8068   1.332  ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP19 ~approximation         100.5     84.5     5.48    2399    99.3    51000    8066   1.332  ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-19                 105.3     89.6     5.80    2398    95.5    51000    8427   1.321  ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N550                     97.3     84.6     5.48    2397    99.2    51000    8157   1.339  ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP14 ~approximation         106.1     90.2     5.85    2393    95.4    51000    8364   1.322  ! Near Maximum !
ADI AR 2209                        104.4     88.3     5.72    2388    95.2    51000    8327   1.318  ! Near Maximum !
IMR 4831                           105.6     86.0     5.57    2387    99.4    51000    7917   1.341  ! Near Maximum !
Rottweil R905                      110.0     92.8     6.02    2386    92.9    49954    8485   1.331  ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-23                 110.0     91.5     5.93    2386    99.6    46416    8350   1.366  ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP15                        110.0     92.5     6.00    2379    94.4    46967    8743   1.363  ! Near Maximum !
Winchester WXR                     110.0     92.5     6.00    2379    94.4    46967    8743   1.363  ! Near Maximum !
Somchem S385                       106.0     91.2     5.91    2379    96.7    51000    8151   1.340  ! Near Maximum !
Accurate 3100                      110.0     93.6     6.06    2378    98.1    50532    8081   1.351  ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon Hybrid 100V                103.3     85.0     5.51    2375   100.0    51000    7474   1.328  ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP4 ~approximation          102.9     87.6     5.67    2374    95.2    51000    8158   1.325  ! Near Maximum !
Norma 204                           99.7     87.6     5.67    2374    95.2    51000    8158   1.325  ! Near Maximum !
Raufoss RA4                        102.9     87.6     5.67    2374    95.2    51000    8158   1.325  ! Near Maximum !
SNPE Vectan SP 12                  110.0     99.9     6.47    2369    92.4    47710    8848   1.349  ! Near Maximum !
PB Clermont PCL 517                110.0     99.9     6.47    2364    92.1    47451    8837   1.352  ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP4 NT ~approximation       100.6     86.9     5.63    2363    97.0    51000    7972   1.339  ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H4831 SC                   106.3     91.4     5.92    2359    92.6    51000    8136   1.324  ! Near Maximum !
Winchester Supreme 780             104.1     93.3     6.05    2357    95.1    51000    8006   1.326  ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP3                          92.7     79.7     5.16    2356   100.0    51000    7478   1.362  ! Near Maximum !
Norma 203 old                       92.7     79.7     5.16    2356   100.0    51000    7478   1.362  ! Near Maximum !
Rottweil R903                       94.8     79.7     5.17    2350   100.0    51000    7414   1.362  ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H380                        91.9     79.9     5.18    2348    99.1    51000    7680   1.354  ! Near Maximum !
Lovex S070                          99.3     83.5     5.41    2346    97.5    51000    7816   1.355  ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H4831                      110.0     90.9     5.89    2346    92.3    50085    8089   1.335  ! Near Maximum !
Somchem S355                        94.4     78.5     5.09    2341   100.0    51000    7390   1.359  ! Near Maximum !
Rottweil R904                      103.4     86.7     5.62    2340    93.9    51000    7853   1.334  ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP5 NT ~approximation       110.0     95.4     6.18    2337    89.5    49204    8287   1.344  ! Near Maximum !
IMR 7828                           110.0     90.9     5.89    2336    91.6    46053    8498   1.373  ! Near Maximum !
IMR 4955 Enduron                   106.8     88.4     5.73    2331    93.1    51000    7858   1.335  ! Near Maximum !
Lovex S065                          97.7     81.3     5.27    2327    98.4    51000    7552   1.359  ! Near Maximum !
Accurate 4064                       92.1     76.6     4.97    2327   100.0    51000    6947   1.389  ! Near Maximum !
ADI AP 2214                        110.0     97.1     6.29    2327    91.5    47885    8383   1.355  ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N165                    110.0     92.5     6.00    2325    95.4    48553    7820   1.358  ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-25                 110.0     93.1     6.03    2324    96.8    42476    8699   1.418
Rottweil R907                       96.4     80.5     5.21    2318    96.7    51000    7581   1.356  ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP7                          96.4     80.5     5.21    2318    96.7    51000    7581   1.356  ! Near Maximum !
IMR 4007 SSC                        93.4     80.5     5.22    2317    96.7    51000    7576   1.356  ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N160                    110.0     89.7     5.81    2316    93.5    50184    7680   1.345  ! Near Maximum !
Somchem S361                       102.4     92.8     6.01    2314    92.7    51000    7682   1.347  ! Near Maximum !
Lovex S071                         110.0     88.5     5.73    2234    96.0    41105    7710   1.482
Bofors RP30                        110.0     93.6     6.06    2229    89.3    37794    8479   1.502
Norma MRP 2                        110.0     93.6     6.06    2229    89.3    37794    8479   1.502
IMR 7977 Enduron                   110.0     92.5     6.00    2220    82.8    49289    7100   1.372  ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N570                    110.0     98.6     6.39    2187    79.8    37019    8557   1.520
ADI AR 2217                        110.0     92.5     6.00    2180    87.8    39779    7810   1.476
Hodgdon H1000                      110.0     92.5     6.00    2180    87.8    39779    7810   1.476
Hodgdon Retumbo                    110.0     94.1     6.10    2122    88.8    34031    8216   1.573
ADI AR 2225                        110.0     94.1     6.10    2122    88.8    34031    8216   1.573
Alliant Reloder-33                 110.0    101.5     6.58    2112    77.8    34543    8185   1.572
Lovex D100                         110.0    100.7     6.52    2093    75.5    39311    6983   1.507
Vihtavuori N170                    110.0     92.5     6.00    2063    79.2    34784    7107   1.585
ReloadSwiss RS 80                  110.0    101.5     6.58    2062    76.5    33003    7955   1.606
Vihtavuori 24N41                   110.0     99.7     6.46    2055    71.2    36757    7081   1.549
ADI AR 2218                        110.0     99.7     6.46    2033    71.4    34450    7586   1.589
Norma 217                          110.0     92.1     5.97    2025    84.5    28793    7955   1.698
Hodgdon H870                       110.0     96.6     6.26    1996    76.3    29621    7583   1.684
Alliant Reloder-50                 110.0    101.2     6.56    1924    70.4    26363    7455   1.764
Bofors 12,7mmRA NC1214 Lot20115087 110.0     98.9     6.41    1922    65.2    27208    6937   1.756
Hodgdon 50BMG                      110.0     95.0     6.15    1905    62.9    29721    6396   1.702
Hodgdon US 869                     110.0     99.7     6.46    1898    66.1    29338    6445   1.713
SNPE Vectan SP 13                  110.0     95.6     6.19    1857    70.4    26341    6438   1.788
Accurate 8700                      110.0     97.6     6.33    1814    67.0    26446    6143   1.795
PB Clermont PCL 513/520/9520       110.0     95.6     6.19    1803    66.7    24963    6125   1.835
Vihtavuori 20N29                   110.0    100.7     6.52    1786    63.5    24846    6124   1.837
NC A3502 ,test only                110.0     91.5     5.93    1673    45.3    25089    4343   1.868
TLP A 502(RH) ,test only           110.0     91.5     5.93    1656    49.0    23154    4650   1.922
V1734 7-multiperf ,test only       110.0     91.5     5.93    1190    22.2    13492    2108   2.492
Looks like RL17 wouldn't be a bad choice either. Especially loaded to the milder levels. Good case fill and excellent speeds.

I've got it on very solid advice that IMR-4831 is the go-to powder. I suppose mostly cuz it works and also has been proven in hot climates. How do you suppose RL17 is in hot weather and it's sensitivity to temperature?
c. schutte":1bzkzb7f said:

I've got it on very solid advice that IMR-4831 is the go-to powder. I suppose mostly cuz it works and also has been proven in hot climates. How do you suppose RL17 is in hot weather and it's sensitivity to temperature?

Chuck I'd be just as concerned with IMR4831 maybe more so if they were developed in cool weather. I've not found 17 to be very finicky in that regard. I'd want H4831 if I wanted absolute good manners, hot or cold.

I don't think the pressures you'll be operating at will pose any problems. Looks like most of the data is in the 50-55K range, so you have quite a lot of buffer from pressure spikes.
My thoughts are to keep this rifle strictly a D.G. rifle and develop the load in the same type of weather that is found in Africa at the time I would go and the area I would hunt. If I decide to hunt something different in a different climate I would alter the load for that purpose. If that is the case and if IMR 4831 is about as temperature sensitive as RL 17 then the only real difference would be the amount the powder charge fills the case?

Here is what I am considering:

RL17 96.3% 2449 velocity 51K
IMR 4831 105.6% 2387 51K
H4831 110% 2346 51k

If I bump up the charge load from 86 to 87 grains I would be close to 53.5K pressure and about 97.5% capacity case wise. Since the Northfork bullet is mostly copper and is a tad longer than guiding metal bullets, would that not be about the right amount of powder to fill the case?
On a dangerous game rifle, for warm climates, I'd be more concerned about 100% reliability than getting the utmost in either accuracy or power. Most important is that it goes bang, ejects, and feeds smoothly every time.

Just thinking out loud here...

Guy Miner":147k0sn1 said:
On a dangerous game rifle, for warm climates, I'd be more concerned about 100% reliability than getting the utmost in either accuracy or power. Most important is that it goes bang, ejects, and feeds smoothly every time.

Just thinking out loud here...


Charles I sent you a pm with more exact info earlier, but just saw this post from Guy

and, he is so-so-so- correct!

Best Regards

I'd be just fine using any of the powders you listed to be totally honest. I use alot of RL17 and couldn't see any good reason to not use it or at least try it. You already stock it so there isn't really anything there to stop you from trying it. If I was going to try another powder, I'd try something like H4350, IMR4451, RL16 which are probably a little more temp stable, but honestly, you aren't looking to kill prairie dogs with the rifle, so as Guy mentioned, as long as it was reliable and accurate for the task at hand I would be A-OK with it. Changes are it is going to drive tacks anyhow.

It actually depends on where one is hunting in Africa and when. Which country, which province in that country, what time of year. There are hot, dry, dusty places, and there are hot, humid, wet places and at certain times of the year and in certain places it can be downright cold.

Foliage is the other factor that varies a lot. Do you want to hunt when it is hot, the grass is short, the leaves are off the trees and the water holes are few, or when it is wet, the grass is high, the trees have all their leaves and the water holes are many.

I know a lot of the men here prefer "hot" loads, but if you stay at 2400 velocity or even a tad below with the 404 jeff you will be just fine. As Guy mentioned it is more important to hit the target, and stay on target for that very important second shot.

charles I pm.d you with more info and as you know my Dad rodeoed in Texas and he says if it will work in West Texas, it will work in Africa

Best Regards


I was alerted to this thread because we once had a Jeffery, but I did not really use it. And I did none of the reloading. On my first trip to the dark continent I used a 416 Rigby and after that a 375 H & H.

I am a little surprised that more folks have not responded, as the 404 Jeffery is a pretty nice caliber.

Scotty, I just saw Jamila.s post to you and the weather can vary--a lot. I often wondered about loads developed in the U.S. and then taken to Africa, but I have seen that happen a lot without consequences. But as I said I did not get involved in the reloading,

Scotty, if you were headed to Africa to hunt Buffalo today, what rifle, caliber, bullet ( weight and manufacturer ) would you take. What about you Dewey ?

What is anybody favorite ( or would be favorite if they were going ) ? Some have gone already, what did you use for Buffalo ? I believe a gentlemen in Las Vegas hunted buffalo, what did you use sir ?

And if you reload and take your reloads with you ( reloaded here, used there ) what powder did you use and did it work o.k.

Scotty, I use to see a lot of fellows hunting with store bought ammo., with no problems that I know of
Since I've never hunted buffalo, this is based on what I've read and have been told. I'd use my .375 H&H, Winchester Model 70. I'd have 300 gr soft points, and solids, loaded to 2550 fps via H4350.

I'd think a 100 yard zero would be appropriate?

There might still be a "big hunt" or two left in my future!

If I were headed to Africa for buffalo I'd probably spring for an M70 Classic in 416 Rem Mag. I believe that I'd load it with RL15 or 17 with 400 grain Partitions or A-Frame or 330 grain Bitterroots if I could get my hands on them. Probably stick a little Leupold 2.5X on it or maybe the 3X and zero at 100 yards. If I couldn't get it done with that I'd take up golf or underwater basket weaving :lol:
SJB358":11cj6lbx said:
If I were headed to Africa for buffalo I'd probably spring for an M70 Classic in 416 Rem Mag. I believe that I'd load it with RL15 or 17 with 400 grain Partitions or A-Frame or 330 grain Bitterroots if I could get my hands on them. Probably stick a little Leupold 2.5X on it or maybe the 3X and zero at 100 yards. If I couldn't get it done with that I'd take up golf or underwater basket weaving :lol:


And your right.

I would use my 450/400 with Woodleigh bullets and whatever powder my father loaded them with.

If that dont work I will join the underwater basket weaving class with Scotty. Where are you thinking Scotty--Tahiti sounds nice . Years ago my parents took us there and we were in a bungalow build over the ocean with a fiber glass window in the living room that let you see the fish swimming by. I always said I was going to go back, but have not made it--yet

Best Regards

Jamila, I have no idea what I would take to hunt Buffalo in Africa, I just want to know if I can go with your parents on their next vacation ? lol

There may not be a ton of action on this thread but there has been a lot going on behind the curtain. :>)

Just happened to get some very good suggestions from the Rodeo Rider himself and a few others have been very helpful including the young lady who has not made it back to tahiti.

I've got RL 17 on hand and will order some H4831 SC as soon as I find 5 minutes during business hours. IMR 4831 is out of stock and when it shows itself I'll get some of that too. So, when the project is ready I shall have plenty of good powder to choose from and I shall do load development in the spring/summer here. Basically I am going to check loads in 45-55 degree weather, 55-75 degrees and then 80+ degrees. The powder with the least sensitivity gets the nod.

400 grain Northfork simi spitzers and solids. The goal is 2300-2400 fps.
The rifle will be fit to me for iron sights and will have quick detachable mounts for a scope.

Right now I am leaning on the VX6 1-6x30
M70 magnum action, 24" Krieger #6 contour
Really nice chunk of lumber being hand sanded to my specs.
I think you are on the right track Chuck. All three are great powders.

J, never been to Tahiti, but I have a buddy that is from there and mentioned it numerous times. Probably going to get there one of these days.