Question for the Pros!

GooseHunter Jr

Jun 2, 2005
We just moved into a new house and the basement has been roughly framed in. The is a small room that was framed in and it contains the water heater and the heater and AC blower and such. If I finished this room as far as sheet rock and a door would it be OK to reload in this room or any part of the unfinished basement. My concern is the condensation and such that might be in that room or the rest of the basement.

Thanks, Marty
I'd pick another spot in the basement. From a safety standpoint, high voltage/current electricity, and flames (pilot lights and burners, if you're using natural gas or propane) aren't a good mix with flammable or explosive reloading supplies.

Additionally, the air draft from the furnace may not be good when using scales, as it will take longer for them to settle out.
I'd pick another spot and get a dehumidifier to help controll the humidity.

Also check to make sure you don't get water when it rains really hard, that is a big baddy for relaoding stuff.

I'd also look for signs of previous flooding or water damage. Maybe wait a year before setting up there so you know what it is like.

See if you can get another room for now...
What if I just chose a corner on the other side of the basement for know until I build another room?
Goosehunter jr,

So long as you have a dry basement, you won't have any problems.
My basement is finished and I have a utility room where the furnace, water softner,... are located, along with my reloading bench. I have never had any problems.
I have a L shaped bench which was actually my kitchen counter top. The day before we moved into our house, the builders brother-in-law tossed his tool bag onto the counter and chipped it,
Needless to say, we got a new counter top and the "old" one became my loading bench. :grin:

Good luck with the new home.

My basement is all open with furnace, freezer, and all the piping and such. I use it for my reloading area with no problems with humidity. I do take the precaution of storing my primers in 50mm cans with a desiccant to assure they stay dry. The powder is not sealed up beyond the seal on the cans themselves. I don't prime my cases until I'm all ready to charge and seat the bullet.

That sounds like a fine place to reload, to store wine too. Wine loves the humidity. I always try to keep my powder and primers in a sealed container that way I don't have to worry about storage.

Can you also hide down there so nobody bothers you?
I reload in my basement also. Run a dehumidifier all summer. With the humidity I would worry more about rust on your reloading dies, press etc... than anything else. I am in a small room (7' x 6'). It is plenty of room for reloading and I make good use of all the wall space hanging bows, antlers, knives etc.....But I dont think I would load next to the gas water heater or furnace. Doubt if anything would ever happen . . .but why take any chances. I would also want lots of light with out shadows etc... makes for easier concentration and a better over all atmosphere.
