Range day 6-8-13


Dec 2, 2010
Well I went 4 for 5 today. My goal was to get all 5 rifles to 1 MOA today but the .338WM still couldn't do it. I did use my chrono for the first time and it recorded every shot fired. Now I need to learn how to use the info to improve my loads.

22-250 (first time out with the new stock and bedding)

55 Vmax, IMR 4064, Rem brass

35.3gr=.712" Ave 3456 SD 49
35.6gr=.648" Ave 3491 SD 15
35.9gr=1.155" with the last shot called as a pull Ave 3513 SD 15


87 Sierra, RL19 58gr, Win virgin brass
on the lands= .770" Ave 3372 SD 23
.02 off lands=1.377" Ave 3424 SD 12
.04 off lands=.839" Ave 3399 SD 64.5


H4350 56.0gr, 180 AB, Rem Brass

Groups= .933" Ave 2713fps SD 6.4

6.5 Grendel

XBR8082, 107 Sierra, IMI fire formed brass

25.2gr=.224" Ave 2298 SD 6.3
25.5gr=.751" Ave 2348 SD 15.5
25.8gr=.828" Ave 2368 SD 3.5

Those rifles made me very happy. Now to take the best 22-250, 25-06, and 6.5 Grendel group and reshoot. the 30-06 load has shot under 1" the last 3 times out. I am done that that one!!!

338WM I let the rifle cool for 15 minutes between shots. I also put a aerator hose from a minnow bucket down the barrel to pump cool air in it for the 15 minutes so it would really cool off. I shot at 186 yards.

RL19 75.5gr, 210 PT .01 off the lands, Win brass and Win mag primer

4.042" group
Ave speed 2923 fps
SD 20.2

I think it is time to try h4350 with the 338WM???

It was a great morning to be out. I was happy to see the 22-250 shoot so well. The next question is, what would you do next with this info as far as working up loads goes?
Sounds like you have good loads for 4 of your guns, that has to be satisfying. With your 338 I wonder if you are getting excessive bullet runout from either brass or maybe your dies. I have had that happen and it can be very frustrating. If your ammo is seated fairly straight maybe a new barrel is in order, it doesn't take long to spend a lot of money on components because a barrel is suspect. I bet a newer 338 WM take off barrel wouldn't be too hard to find and fairly inexpensive. Just a thought. Another option is to trade or sell it to someone who wants a donor gun and start fresh with a different gun. Hope it comes together for you soon with the 338.
Your last posted targets showed the first 2 shots almost touching. Were any of the 186 yard shots even close to each other?

Have you tried any other bullets in the 338? It's possible that your rifle just does not like the 210 PT bullet. I've had a couple of 338's that did not like a 250 NP no matter what I tried those rifles just puked the 250 NP. The rifles would repeatedly shoot clover leaf groups ( or dam near) at 100 and shotgun patterns at 200 and beyond. Tried a different bullet (interlock) and the issue was solved.

I would try a 225 Hornady interlock just to see if that bullet will shoot well, that bullet has always shot well for me in many calibers and weights. If it does shoot well then that gives you confidence in the rifle for accuracy potential. If you don't have any 225 interlocks let me know and I'll send you some to try so you don't have to buy a whole box.

How many firings are on the brass your using? Reason I ask is that a friend of mine was having fits with his 7mm not shooting well and it had shot lights out in the past. Asked him how many fired on the brass and he ad no idea. Took the same load that shot very well in the past and put it in new brass and it once again shot lights out for him.
I am hoping to buy some 225 Hornady bullets next weekend. The brass has been shot at least 3 times. I am starting to think I need to walk away from the 210 PT. Here are the 4 shots today from the 338WM at 186.

A lot of times two distinct groups is a result of powder the gun doesn't like. I would try a few more bullets and a couple different powders. If it didn't improve considerably I'd send it down the road.
This is really nice:


H4350 56.0gr, 180 AB, Rem Brass

Groups= .933" Ave 2713fps SD 6.4

To heck with that .338 shotgun, :grin: sell it, buy more bullets & H4350 for the .30-06 and go hunting! :mrgreen:

wisconsinteacher":14f1xo64 said:
I am hoping to buy some 225 Hornady bullets next weekend. The brass has been shot at least 3 times. I am starting to think I need to walk away from the 210 PT. Here are the 4 shots today from the 338WM at 186.

I would give a different bullet a try WT. Try something like Bill mentioned with the 225 Hornady or a 200 AB. I have found both of those to be pretty accurate in my 338's.
Too me that is not a random scattering but 2 different groups of a small sample. The vertical height of all 4 shots looks to be about 2 inches while horizontal is 4 inch or so. Each 2 shot impact is what about an inch and darn near straight up and down with each other. I'm sure you have done this already but I will ask any way. Have you checked the actions screws for correct torque, scope mounts ect..?

What make is your rifle?

From what I have seen when a rifle does not like a certain bullet the group is large but with no sort of reasoning to where the bullet impacts from shot to shot and certainly not 2 different groups.

Have you checked the scope parallax?

If you have done the above and I'm sure you have I would clean the barrel of all powder residue and copper then try the 225 Hornady's seated to the cannelure with your powder of choice in new brass and see what shakes out. I had great luck with H4831 or IMR4350. Never tried RL19 and while it looks to be a great 338 win mag powder it's possible it's not the right powder for your rifle.

The rifle is a Winchester Model 70 XTR Sporter with a Minox ZA3 3-9 scope that is new. Rings and bases are to speck and so are the action screws. I just checked again.

I am going to a bigger shooting store next weekend and hope to get some 225 Hornady bullets. I have H4350 and WIN 760 on the bench that I can use in the rifle. If it does not shoot after some playing with new bullets, I am going to sell it.