Range Day with the 308Win - 338 Win Mag and 22-250


Dec 24, 2006
I went down to the range today, loaded up my quad and all of my shooting gear, to include the chrono. I had my wifes 308, my 338WM and my 22-250.

I wanted to finish shooting my last AA2520 loads with the 60gr PT. They came out the shoot really fast 34gr's (3470 AVG), and look very consistent as far as speed, but they didn't really group so hot.

(target is mislabled)


The 33gr load was bigger yet. Might have been able to mess with it some, but I have a have a good load with Varget at 3350. Just didn't want to leave any stone unturned.

Now, for my wifes 308. I was using 180gr BT's and IMR4064, Varget, RL15 and W748. Both Varget and IMR4064 groups were in the two inch range, and some were a little larger. W748 was the winner of the day with this group.


Velocity was right at 2650 for those loads and the cases look very good. I loaded a bunch for that gun today, and it seems to have some promise with W748. Speed seems right on for me. Varget picked up second place, but the speed was about 50FPS slower. No big deal, but I was getting nice triangles with the 748. So I think I have something more to work with in the future.

Next up was my 22-250 with 50gr BT's. I loaded Varget according to the Hogdon Max of 37.5 and I started with 35.5. Ended up shooting three rounds within about a .5 inch at 36.5 for about 3750FPS. Not scorching, but it seems very accurate. I want to mess with OAL a little, but that kind of accuracy is great for predators, and just messing around with varmints and such.

I shot the 338WM with some more 275gr Speers, I wanted to see how they held up over range. My load is 275gr Speer, 72gr of RL22, CCI250 and a COAL 3.34. First group to confirm my zero at 100 had two shots touching, about 2" high. After that I went to 200. I shot this target at 200. I was really elated to see that. I shot one more after this, and it is was a touch bigger, but still a neat group under 1.25".


After that, I decided to see if the B&C reticle matched up at 300 yards. It is the 2nd tick down. Here is what I shot. I kinda blew it out my but. I could have done better, but I didn't let my barrel cool enough, and was kind of rushing since I was on a little high after the 200 yard groups.


I made a one click left adjustment and plugged three shots into the bull! I lost that target on the back of my quad on the way back to my buddies house, but it was pretty good for initial shooting. I am very happy with the B&C reticle working well with the 338 loads. I can shoot to 400, just gotta get some more time.

We did finish load work for my buddy AR-15. It is an M&P15 S&W (16" barrel). It has a 1-9 twist barrel. I loaded Benchmark for him under the 60gr Partition. We started at 22.5 and stopped at 25gr of Benchmark. It shot its last group into an inch for about 2900FPS. It had a spread of about 20FPS for 5 shots. Not great, but seems pretty good for a gas gun. Anyhow, that was my day at the range.

Here is the target from the first round with the 22-250. I used RL15 and Varget. Seems like 33gr of Varget really wants to shoot, and they were clocking 3350, so I am going to load some more up and shoot them a little further out and see what they do. Scotty


Nothing wrong with those loads, especially those 275 Speers. They are dropping right in there. Has to feel good!
Yeah, they seem good to me. Pretty happy with those big guns! Felt good to shoot at some distance, rather the standard 100 yards. Need to get a bunch of the guns out and wring them out at ranges over 200! Scotty
Looks like you had a great day and that 200yd target is very nice indeed.
Thanks Fellers! It was a good day. It warmed up pretty nice, and we had some fun sending rounds down range. Kinda broke the cabin fever of getting stuck in with the snow. Scotty
Can't help but be impressed by the 275 Speers. They will work seriously well on elk or moose, for certain. The 22-250 is doing very well, indeed. And the 180 grain BTs in the .308 are looking pretty good, also.
Great groups beretzs. What your velocity on those 338-275's. I'm curious because I'm currently working with a 338 Vanguard. Grouping is great with that big bullet. :grin: :grin:
Schwiinngg on the shootin there Scotty, specially nice to see the big boomer doing that..

I am getting 2650FPS out of the 275gr Speers. I am getting that with relative ease on the cases. I am using RL22, CCI250's and WW cases. The primers and cases look excellent. I cannot see any signs whatsoever of pressure. I am pretty happy with the performance of the 338 and that big bullet. My thought is I can shoot smaller bullets faster, so I might as well use my 338 as a thumper with 400 yard reach. I am still packing right around 2000FtLbs of energy and I won't be shooting over that. I think 250's would have been easier and probably better in some aspects, but the 275's look pretty mean to me! Scotty
That's great velocity out of that 275. I was thinking 2500fps or so. I may have to give some heavy's a try. I'll start with some 250's first. My rifle groups ok with the 200's and a little better with 215's and 225's. I may have to move heavier to close up those groups. :grin: :grin:
There are quite a few 275gr bullets out there and you can get speed on them with slow powders. I would think 2700 would be do able in a 338 Win Mag. Swift, Hawk, Kodiak, North Fork and a few others make 275's. I don't think there is a "need" for more than a 250gr Partition or AccuBond, but really, when does need have anything to do with us rifle/loader looneys! Plus, I would feel very confident against something that could bite back with the 275's. Scotty