Range Day


Dec 24, 2006
This is my first day out on the range since I have returned. I didn't really have a whole lot of time, but I wanted to at least shoot my sons' 243, my 358 Win with the 200gr Silvertips 257 Ackley gave me, and the 45-70 with the 300gr Partitions. I did throw the chronograph up just to clock some speeds, but the bench was less than great for group shooting. I didn't have all of my usual bags and just used my back pack as a front rest and shouldered the rest of it.

45-70 300gr PT 60gr H4198 (2385, 2342, 2425)

45-70 300gr PT 59gr H4198 (2320,2337, 2337) (there are three shots there, I swear!)

I didn't get the 58gr load on paper, as my rifle was zeroed for 400's and was about 1 ft high, but it did put a nice triangle about 1.75"

243 45.5gr IMR7828SSC 95gr PT (2850 AVERAGE)

Although it is not a handload, this is the 200gr Winchester Silvertip, out of the gray box of Winchester ammo. It clocked about 2430 pretty consistently. The first group was about an 1.25" out of a freshly cleaned barrel. It was about an inch low and couple clicks to the left. I made the dope change and shot this. Pretty good for a heavy trigger and factory ammo. The rifle shoots these well and I think the Silvertips are a great deer and bear bullet.


I didn't have enough time to mess with the 425's for the 45-70 or the 250gr PT's for the 338. I shot my wifes rifle some with 125gr Sierra's and it would put two really close and throw the third at least an inch away. I couldn't really figure it out, till I got home and saw the front ring was loose (Ruger Ring). Hoping that will help. It will put them into an 1.25" cluster pretty easily and they move out at about 2850. Not a screamer, but it is soft on my wifes shoulder and smacks the heck out of deer. Anyhow, IMR7828 is pretty decent, I think I could use another .5 or 1 grain to get it up some on the speed, but I am behind the eightball this year since I didn't have a Summer to shoot. I am going to load up a bunch of the 300gr PT's at 59gr's and get a good zero and hunt with it. It was good to get back behind the trigger on that rifle. It really wants to shoot, so I am hoping with some more bench time, they will bring themselves in a little more. Scotty
Some good looking groups there, Scotty. I just got off the phone with a chap shooting an old Springfield Trapdoor. He was looking for some recipes for cast bullets. I was trying to steer him away from what I thought were high pressure loads. Man, I just keep running into calls for information on this cartridge. I reckon I'll succumb about the time you break down and pick up that 264 WM! :lol:

Nice shooting, you are there and ready for anything.

They look great to me!!!!! Looks like you found a great load for the 45-70 with the 300 gr bullets, I would be done with that one now!! Everything shot within a minute of deer.!!! Looks like a great day!!
Scotty - great shooting ! Those are some cannon balls you are throwing out there with great results!
Surprised to see the 7828 in the 243 but I'm finding it to be a great powder
Bill, your right about that. For the distances I will be shooting the 45-70, it is shooting great. Great speed and good accuracy.

Mark, IMR7828 is a pretty decent powder. It seems to be really accurate, and decent speed. I haven't gone above 45.5 with the 95's, but for my son, 2850 will get it done. I am not sure another 100-150FPS would do much better right now, I don't see him shooting over 200 yards. Scotty
Now thats some mighty fine shooting for off your pack, I'll take that..

Now if we can learn you how to resize pix, so us guys with little itty bit laptop screens can see your handiwork!!!!..... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
