Well the wind finally dropped below 20 mph here today and I got the chance to field test my ugly, 46 year old, push feed Model 70, 300 Win Mag, with the new Leupold 3.5X10X40 with the ballistic turrent. Last year the rifle had a well tested 2.5X8, that had proven very satisfactory for a number of years. I hate changing "any" componet that works, so I was hopefull that it would turn out OK. I had rough sighted it off the bench a few weeks ago and had been waiting to see if my turrent and the rifle were in sync. Shooting was done at 300 yards (Guy Miner) style by shooting in prone postion, with a very light foam pad to keep the rocks from dislocating my elbow, and a Harris Bipod up front. I have not shoot prone for a least 14 months, so this was also an opportunity to lube up my joints and other less-used muscles. I started by rechecking the range and it came out the same as last year (different range finder) at 320.3 yards. My 0 setting on the rifle is at 300 so I turned the turrent to 325 and fired three shots. My first three were my smallest 3 shot group, mostly luck I think. Slightly under 3 " . I then looked at the target thru my new Ziess spotting scope and found that I could not see sny holes in the target at the highest setting, 45 power. As it turned out that was because they were in the black, which was a surpise. Well the pictures tell the whole story. At least three of the shots out to the right were called shots. I was pushing the let off a little, and it was coming off on the right. All and all it came out well and I was very happy with the rifle, scope and me! Next up, is some more prone time and a move out to a small flat spot along the power line at 550 if I remember rightly.
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